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I had carpel tun syndrome and found that a brace that stopped my hands from turning ito a fist during sleep was helpful, however the only thing that worked in the end was surgery.

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10y ago

There are many benefits one might receive for wearing a carpal tunnel brace for the wrist. One such benefit is that the wrist will not become inflamed and therefore hurt less.

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Carpal tunnel wrist braces are used to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, which has a negative effect on health. So the real health benefit is preventing that harm.

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Why might one get a carpal tunnel surgery?

Carpal tunnel is a common health condition caused by poor ergonomics when using a keyboard for a computer. The severity of a patient's carpal tunnel symptoms will dictate the best treatment for the condition. A medical profession may suggest carpal tunnel surgery for severe cases of carpal tunnel that may not improve with more conservative treatments.

What is the most common treatment for carpal tunnel?

CTS is usually treated with conservative treatments including rest and splinting of the wrist, especially at night. Using non-steriodal anti-inflammatory medications may relieve some of the swelling in the carpal tunnel.

What are the Dangers of being a computer engineer?

The hazards of becoming a computer programmer is the basics of using a computer improperly, such as carpal tunnel syndrome, eye strain, and other minor complications. Nothing very major or hazardous.

What are possible health risks of using a keyboard?

Using a keyboard is generally not dangerous, but if you use it excessively and dont use it properly you can get carpal tunnel syndrome.

As a dental professional what would cause me to get carpal tunnel syndrome?

The most obvious would be using fine repetetive gripping, pinching motions while holding dental tools. This can increase pressure across the carpal tunnel as can awkward postures of the wrist. If the median nerve that runs through the carpal tunnel canal gets pinched or compressed for long periods of time this may cause CTS. Other causes or risk factors of carpal tunnel syndrome can be pregnancy and hypothyroidism(increased fluid retention), wrist fractures, arthritis and obesity.

How do you get carpal tunnel syndrome?

Repetitive motions of the wrists, like using a keyboard for hours on end or wrapping elastic around bundles of paper without a break ( using this as an example)

Healthy Tips for Avoiding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

Carpal tunnel affects the hands and wrists, causing a numb feeling that can also be painful. This condition is most commonly caused by repetitive motion. Working on the computer, or any job that requires using the hands in the same motion time and time again, can cause carpal tunnel. With some preparation, you can begin following tips to help you in avoiding carpal tunnel syndrome.Repetitive MotionOne of the main causes of carpal tunnel is repetitive motion injuries that stress the ligaments and joints in the hands and wrists. Avoiding carpal tunnel can often be accomplished by ensuring you are holding your hands properly when typing or working. The proper support and alignment for the hands and wrists can be very effective in avoiding carpal tunnel syndrome.When working, whether using tools or typing, holding the hands in a natural, comfortable position is ideal. Some experts recommend wearing gloves that support the wrist while providing warmth to maintain flexibility of the hands and wrists. If you are working on a computer, taking the time to set up your desk space to promote natural wrist alignment and adding tools to support the wrists can help in avoiding carpal tunnel.Developing Carpal TunnelAvoiding carpal tunnel can also be accomplished by recognizing early symptoms of the condition and which types of activities promote the condition. In general, carpal tunnel is developed primarily by those working on tasks that require the same types of motion over and over. Carpenters, factory workers, and typists can all develop carpal tunnel due to the nature of their work. The condition is also more common among women than men, though both sexes are affected by this potentially disabling condition.Tips for Healthy HandsAvoiding carpal tunnel is easier when you have ergonomically designed tools and desk spaces. Taking the time to ensure you are comfortable when working can be a simple way to maintain your hand health. You may also want to begin taking rest breaks throughout the day, and recognizing signs of pain or numbness in the hands. Carpal tunnel is a condition that can be avoided with just a few tools and resting the hands as needed.

What is the best ergonomic keyboard for someone who is dealing with carpal tunnel?

The Kinesis Classic Ergonomic keyboard appears to be the best keyboard for dealing with carpal tunnel. If used properly, it can actually boost a person’s typing speed. The reason as to why this type of keyboard is so useful to aid one in the typing is that it takes emphasis off of the use of the pinky finger when using one’s keyboard

What are the main health benefits of a tennis elbow brace?

The main health benefit of using a tennis elbow brace is that is offers support and protection to the elbow area. These braces often offer compression to the area.

Which carpal tunnel treatment do you take to get a cure?

Well it would be difficult to say one treatment or any treatment can actually cure Carpal tunnel syndrome since it can be caused from many things. If you have diabetes or hypothyroidism..then getting these conditions under control may help reduce your CTS symptoms. If repetitive use is causing your symptoms then reducing hand useage etc..may help. The main treatment of CTS involves using ice wrist wraps 2-3 x day. taking OTC pain relievers per label. Using pain relieving gels massaged into the carpal tunnel area. Sleeping in specially made night splints and doing special wrist stretching and exercises.

When do you start physical therapy with carpal tunnel surgery?

None, I had it done in both hands, at different times. I found that I was able to move my fingers without any particular difficulty immediately and was fully functional again in about a week without any particular effort.

What is the first line of treatment for carpal tunnel syndrome?

The injection of a corticosteroidal medication into the affected wrist. Then a restriction on any movement for several days, with the wearing of a wrist splint for about one month and hand and wrist exercises.