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Advocates of circumcision claim it prevents infections (called balanitis ) on the head of the penis and reduces chances of penile cancer.

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Q: What benefits do advocates of circumcision claim about the procedure?
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What do opponents of circumcision claim about the procedure?

Here are a couple of myths about it: Supposedly it was said to reduce HIV, but those who conducted the study were already in favor and since it's been found to be inneffective. To prevent HIV, one must use condoms.

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Advocates claim that it preserves the scret ballot?

Advocates of open primaries claim they preserve the secret ballot. The opposite of an open primary is a closed primary.

What are the advocates claim that it preserves the secret ballot?

The society of fried chicken and ice fish.

Is it okay to be uncircumsized?

No, it is not bad not to be circumcised. The trend is to move away from this procedure and leave the foreskin intact. But it is bad to be circumcised this procedure was originally the exclusive realm of religion, culture and right of passage ceremony's there was no claim that it was advantageous or healthier. A fad was started in English speaking country's by Victorian era doctors that led to the present so called medical application of circumcision. it is fraudulent and it is hard to believe people still do this to their children Go to the related link "Medical Studies on Circumcision"

Can parents claim disabled benefits for there child's wrongfull death?

yes you can claim disability benefits for a child's wrongfull death

Why are most American men circumcised?

Circumcision in the United States is a common cultural practice with historical roots in various factors, including religious beliefs, medical recommendations, and perceived hygiene benefits. It is not universally practiced, and opinions on the procedure vary. Circumcision rates have been declining in recent years as more parents are making individual decisions about the procedure.

What is claim benefits used for?

Claim benefits is a term mostly used in regards to unemployment benefits. In this regard, it means you have filed for, and received, money from the state while you were unemployed.

What happens to unemployment benefits if you have to have a medical procedure?

In most states you would merely put a temporary stop on the claim (because you'd be unable to be seeking employment, etc. ) and when you recover and can again resume seeking employment, etc. you'd just re-open your claim. You have 52 weeks in which to receive your 26 weeks of benefits (plus any extensions).

Do you claim temporary workmen's comp benefits as income?

You may have to claim it, but it is nontaxable.

Can you claim unemployment benefits if work is closed due to weather in Kentucky?

If you are unemployed, through no fault of your own, such as weather, then you can definitely claim your unemployment benefits.

How do you claim death benefits?

you arrive at the scene (via moped naturally) and collect all of the fingerprints, if they match your database you claim the benefits and win the game.