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The Federalists supported a strong federal government and the establishment of a powerful Bank of the Union, conforming to the mercantile interests of the Northern States, especially those of the New England.

The Anti-Federalists supported the decentralization and the largest autonomy of the States. They feared that a central power excessively strong would lead to an oppressive government aiming to destroy the local autonomy's, establishing a financial oligarchy and a "bancocracy".

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Q: What best describes primary differences between the anti- federalist and the federalists?
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What were the differences between the federalist and the anti-federalist?

The federalist supported the constitution, and the anti-federalist were against the Constitution. I DON'T KNOW THE REST. Go on the Internet for once!

What were the principal differences between the federalists and the anti federalist?

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What are the differences between federalist's and antifederalist's?

The antifederalists, or people who opposed a strong federal government, came into quarrel with the federalists, who favored a strong federal government. The federalists differ from the anti-federalists in terms of social, economic, and political expression. Many differences arose between the federalists and the antifederalists concerning social issues. First of all, the antifederalists were from the poorer classes, while the federalists were from higher, more aristocratic classes. Antifederalists mainly consisted of uneducated people who made up the working class. Federalists, however, were aristocratic people who were cultured and well educated.

What was the argument between the anti-federalist and federalist?

Federalists wanted to urge the Constitution to be in action, but the Anti-Federalists didn't want the Constitution to be in commencement. They were against it.

What was the major issue in the debate between the Federalists and the anti federalist?

The issue that divided them was that the federalist were in favor of a strong central government while the anti federalists were opposed to it.

What was the period of dominance of the federalists?

The Federalist Era describes the period of time between 1789 and 1801. It is so named because during this time, the Federalist Party was the dominant political party. The United States Constitution was adopted and separate political parties developed.

The differences between anti-federalists and federalists?

Federalists are people who support the constitution and on ther the other hand antifederalists are people oppose the constitution

What is the difference between a federalist and republican?

A Federalist wants a strong national government, a national bank, and large industries. While on the other hand a Democratic-Republican wants a strong state government, opposes a national bank, and wants small businesses and farmers.

what is the term that describes comparing differences between things?

The term that describes comparing differences between things is the word contrast.

What was the difference between the centralist party and the federalist pary?

The Federalists and Centralists had different ideas about the formation of the United States.

What is the difference between a federalist party and a centralist party?

The Federalists and Centralists had different ideas about the formation of the United States.

What is the differences between federalists and republicans?

The main difference between federalists and republicans is that federalists believe all power should reside in the government, while republicans believe that power should reside in the people.