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Q: What best symbolized the divide between Democratic western Europe and Communist Eastern Europe?
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It symbolized the Cold War and divide between the communist Soviet bloc. and the western democratic, capital bloc.

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The term iron curtain was used by Winston Churchill to describe the border between communist western Europe and democratic eastern Europe.

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What does the metaphor iron curtain mean?

The Iron Curtain was a metaphor for the Stalin's seemingly impenetrable partition of Europe between an authoritarian east and democratic west. Among the most symbolic manifestations to the Iron Curtain was the Berlin Wall.

What symbolized the division between Western and Eastern Europe after World War 2?

the iron curtain

The soviet premier who wanted peaceful coexistence between democratic and communist powers?

Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev wanted the Cold War to end. He wanted it replaced with peaceful coexistence between democratic and communist powers.

What was the tension between communist and democratic nations after World War 2 called?

The cold war.

Is it true that the Warsaw pact was a mutual defense agreement in eastern Europe?

Yes, it was between the communist countries of eastern Europe.

What is the difference between North Korea and South Korea cultures?

north was communist and south was more democratic

Was the split between the South and North Vietnam completely artificial?

No, North is communist whereas south is democratic

What term refers to the tense relationship between communist and democratic countries throughout the 50s?

The Cold War.

What did the called iron curtain symbolize?

the political and economic division between the democratic west and the communist east