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It symbolized the Cold War and divide between the communist Soviet bloc. and the western democratic, capital bloc.

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Q: What does the Berlin Wall symbolize?
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The Berlin Wall was more than steel and concrete What did its construction AND destruction symbolize?

The Berlin Wall was more than steel and concrete. What did its construction AND destruction symbolize?

What did The Berlin Wall's construction and destruction symbolize?

It meant the war was on

What did the fall of the Berlin Wall symbolize the fall of?

Soviet Union

What symbolize the end of the cold war?

The fall of the Berlin Wall (1989)

What did the Berlin Wall symbolize then and now that its gone?

The Berlin Wall now symbolizes the Cold War and oppression. It served as a physical and symbolic barrier between the two halves of Germany.

What effect did the Berlin Wall have on the world?

The Berlin Wall came to symbolize the powers of oppression to many people in the world. It divided a city and split friends and families. People in much of the world saw the wall as unjust and immoral, and many of them rallied against it.

What did the Berlin Wall symbolize to the world?

It symbolized the separation of Germany. The wall showed how people did not want to live under communism and risked death to escape to the West.

Why is the Berlin wall called the Berlin wall?

because the wall was in the city Berlin

What event helped unite East and West Germany?

The fall of the Berlin Wall

What cities were divided by the Berlin Wall?

Berlin was the city divided by the Berlin Wall.

What is the wall in Berlin called?

Berlin Wall

What did the west Germans call the Berlin Wall?

They called the Berlin Wall "The Wall of Shame."