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Q: What binds people in groups?
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Binds between three phosphate groups.

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Etymologically religion binds people to stay in a group- a herd instinct;then refinements follow religion binds you to your family. it binds you to your faith it binds you to ideologies. all acts of devotion---examples

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Perimysium is the connective tissue that binds muscle fibers into groups. The muscles will be grouped in bundles of 10 to 100.

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List and abbreviate the four nucleotide bases?

Nucleotide bases are separated into two groups; purines and pyrmidines.Purines:Adenine (A)Guanine (G)Pyrmidines:Cytosine (C)Thymine (T)In DNA, base pairs have a complementary strand in which adenine binds to thymine and cytosine binds to guanine.

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No, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is a chemical compound. It is a chelating agent which binds to metals via four carboxylate and two amine groups.

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Marcus Aurelius - accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart

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Certainly not! Love is the glue that binds people in a society together.

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Marriage is a relation that binds two unknown people together.

What binds two people but only touches one?


What binds two people together?

Marriage - a relationship in which two people have pledged themselves to each other as husband and wife