

What biotic factor do small fish compete with small fish?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: What biotic factor do small fish compete with small fish?
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What are the biotic factor of a pond?

fish,frogs.plants,alge,and turtles are all biotic things in a pond.

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Will fish compete for food if food is a limiting factor?

Yes. Absolutely. If the food is limited (a limiting factor), then of course the fish will compete to survive. If this is the case, the larger fish will usually eat the food, and the smaller fish will go hungry and eventually die.

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What is an example of an biotic factor?

A biotic factor is any kind of organism that is anime. Some examples of that factor are: animals, plant, humans and whatsoever. anything that has life and has the ability to move, grow or any kind of movement is a biotic factor.

Are fish an important biotic factor of bull sharks?

the boitic factors of a bullshark are: food oxygen and shelter

Is a fish an abiotic factor?

Yes. Biotic factors are things that are currently or have ever been alive. In other words they contain organic matter. Abiotic factors are things that are not alive and never have been alive, like temperature, humidity, wind, etc.

What are the biotic and abiotic components of the lake?

abiotic components include temperature, forms of energy, water, inorganic nutrients and other chemicals.also non-living physical and chemical factors.

What are 2 biotic things in the ocean?

2 biotic components of the ocean are fish and algae.

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The fish...

Would dead fish be biotic or abiotic?

it would be considered biotic because it was once living