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Q: What blood type does bugs like?
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What are these tiny red bugs in clusters on your deck?

Many people call these blood bugs because of their bright red color, but they in fact do not suck blood. These bugs are actually a type of mite.

Do bugs like salt water pools?

Bugs do not like any type of pool

What do bed bugs like?

Bed bugs like warm blood anythings and dark place.

What causes blood under the big toe and a feeling like something is under your foot kind of like walking on something or something in your sock?

Blood indicates a puncture of some type; check socks, shoes, and soles of feet for sharp objects (or bugs).

Which mosquito sucks blood?

Bugs that feed on blood are sandfly, blackfly, tsetse fly, bedbugs, assassin bugs, mosquitoes, ticks, lice, mites, midges, leeches and fleas. The bugs that commonly feed on human blood, especially at home, are mosquitoes, beg bugs, lice and triatomine bugs

What are water bugs that look like little stingrays?

Water bugs that look like little stingrays are called fish lice. Fish lice feed off of the blood of fishes.

How does spider drain blood of bugs?

The spider injects his poison into the bug (lunch) and it's poison liquefies the entire inside of the bug. Then the spider sucks it all out like a buggy milkshake! Bugs don't have blood...

Do bugs bleed when you smash them?

There are several bugs that bleed when they are smashed like flies and bed bugs. Ticks also bleed, but if they have bitten a host, they will release both their own blood and that which they ingested from said host.

If you spilled blood on the floor would bed bugs be attracted?

No, the spilled blood on the floor will not attract bed bugs.

Does breast cancer affect bugs?

no,it's just breast cancer.the bugs will still suck your blood because that is all they like to do.(it's a habbit) Miss Bri!!

I have blood type A, and I know that somehow type A is different from the other types, but I would like to know what they are.?

If you have blood type a you can donate blood to other people who have type a blood and to people who have type ab blood. People with type a blood are said to have thicker blood than the other blood types.

What are bugs they are not animals?

Bugs are insects which IS a type of ANIMAL.