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Q: What bond holds amino acids together to form proteins?
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What kind of bond holds amino acids together?

peptide bonds hold the amino acids together.

What non-covalent bond holds amino acids together?

Peptide bonds hold adjacent amino acids together. Peptide bonds are covalent. But the bonds that dictate the secondary, tertiary, and Quaternary structure of the resulting protein are generally hydrogen bonds, van der Walls interations, and hydrophobic interactions.

What molecules do amino acids make up?

All proteins contain amino acids as part of their primary structure. For some examples: insulin, glucagon, collagen. There are other biological molecules that use amino acids such as the biopolymer peptidoglycan found in bacteria cell walls.

What bonds holds amino acids together?

Amino acids are chemically combined by the formation of peptide bonds.

A bond that holds three or more amino acids together are called what?


What type of covalent bond holds together the amino acids in DNA?

There are no amino acids in desoxy ribo nucleic acid: its is (desoxy)-ribose (carbohydrate)and nucleic acid not amino!

What type of bond is a peptide bond?

A chemical bond formed through a condensation reaction that holds together the building blocks of proteins. Usually 2 sub units of amino acids.

What are protein bonds called?

a peptide bond is the covalent bond that holds two amino acids together.

How are proteins made of smaller units?

Proteins are made of smaller units called amino acids. The bases on DNA are a code for a specific amino acid. The mRNA will come over and read the DNA strand. Then it will go to the ribosome where rRNA will match up with complementary base pairs to the mRNA. The rRNA brought over holds the protein the DNA coded for. Then, the long strand of amino acids is brought over to this jar like structure where it is folded into a protein.

What holds the beta sheets of protein together?

locations of key amino acids allows for association through hydrogen bonding

What are the molecule codes for protein?


How meat tenderize work?

Meat tenderizers are proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes break the peptide bonds between proteins (amino acids) found in meat. Collagen is the complex protein that holds meat together. Some tenderizers are made of pineapple stem and papaya. These have natural proteollytic enzymes.