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Q: What bonds can be affected by pH and temperature changes?
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Changes in temperature and pH can decrease an enzyme's activity by breaking?

Hydrogen bonds

Changes in pH or temperature decrease enzyme activity because bonds break and the enzyme returns to its tertiary structure?

Changes in pH or temperature decrease enzyme activity because bonds b reak and the enzyme returns to it's PRIMARY structure. (not tertiary)

How could temperature or pH changes affect a protein?

Proteins are extremely sensitive to heat because the sudden rise of temperature breaks its hydrogen bonds. The sensitivity of the side chains and its three-dimensional structure also contributes to its reaction to extreme heat.

What can be denatured by changes in temperature or pH?


How does temperature and pH affect enzymes?

By simply afecting the bonds ( hbonds . ionic bonds and hydrophobic interactions )

How do factors such as temperature and pH affect enzyme activity?

By simply afecting the bonds ( hbonds . ionic bonds and hydrophobic interactions )

What effect would a higher pH have on the temperatures optimum for invertase?

The temperature optimum can be affected by pH if the pH chosen for a particular experiment deviates from the pH optimum for invertase

How can a protein lose its tertiary structure?

affected by temperature or pH cause the protein denature .

How pH changes with temperature change?

That is sort of a broad question. Some never change...Oils, for instance. If you boil distilled water it will show a pH of 7 but it will, over time absorb CO2 from the air if you leave it sit out uncovered. The CO2 will form carbonic acid and cause the pH to drop.

How do internal temperature or pH changes disrupt the homeostasis of an organism?

Internal temperature or pH changes can disrupt the homeostasis of an organism by affecting the functioning of enzymes and proteins, which are sensitive to changes in their environment. These changes can alter the rate of biochemical reactions and disrupt the overall balance within the organism. Organisms have mechanisms in place, such as sweating or shivering in response to temperature changes, or buffering systems to maintain stable pH levels, to regulate these variables and restore homeostasis.

The ability of an enzyme to catalyze a reaction is not affected by?

excess cofactor

Which of the following describes how the pH of the solution could change?

There factors include: -Ionic strength The number of ions and charges present affect the ion activity coefficient and hence the activity of charges species in the solution -Dilution of buffer with water The pH will change and this will affect the ion activity coefficient. The activity of charges species in the solution is hence affected since water itself can act as an acid or base. -Temperature The effect of temperature on weak acids and its conjugate base as a buffer is small due to small changes in its ionization constant Ka as a function of the temperature. As for a weak base and its conjugate acid, the pH is constant only if the temperature is constant. If the temperature fluctuates, the pH changes according to the changes in pKw for water and pKw is very susceptible to temperature changes.