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Q: What bone has no muscle attachments?
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Why are there more indirect- that is tendinous- muscle attachments to bone than there are direct attachments?

Tendons are very flexible, and also very resistant to extension. If arm muscle tissue was directly attached to the bone, then extreme movements would very easily tear the tissues and damage the muscle.

What is muscle attached to?

Muscle attaches to tendons which then attach to bone. "attachments" occur as smooth transitions from muscle to tendon, so that there is no precise discontinuity between what is called muscle and what is called the tendon.

What hold the joints to the bones?

ligaments hold the bone joints in place

What is the fibula's job?

The only real function of the fubula, the small long bone in the leg, is a site for muscle attachments. It does not provide any real support for the body.

Why are there more indirect-that is tendinous- muscle attachments that direct muscle attachments?

The deltoid muscle attaches to the anterior and lateral acromion primarily by direct tendinous attachment. The muscle attaches to the dorsal side of the acromion by periosteal fiber attachment.

What are examples of muscle with three attachments?

The triceps brachii is a muscle with three attachments.

Bone and muscle of the cell?

Cells comprise bone and muscle, they do not have bone and muscle in them.

What attaches to the bone and muscle?

tendons:bones to muscle ligaments:bonr to bone

Is ligament the mart of a muscle that attches the muscle to bone?

Ligament attaches bone to bone tendon attaches muscle to bone

Why are there more indirect muscle attachments than direct attachments?

Indirect attachments are more common because of their durability and small size.

What is an antonym for the word tendon?

Muscle or Bone. A tendon connects a muscle and bone together but is not a muscle or bone.

What connects muscle to bone?

A tendon connects muscle tissue to bone. tendonsTendons connect muscle to bone.