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Technically the horse doesn't stand on any of the bones in the hoof, they stand on the outter portion of the hoof. However the internal structures such as the pedal bone and a few others play a vital role in how the horse stands and how comfortable they are while in motion.

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Q: What bone in the foot do horses stand on?
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What are the 3 names of the bones in a horses foot?

The P2 (short pastern bone), the P3 (coffin bone) and the navicular bone

Is it true that if you have a fracture on any part of your foot you cant stand up and it will pain a lot?

It depends how much pain is "a lot." Different people have different tolerances for pain. However, if you break any bone in your foot, is will feel worse under pressure when standing. It is not recommended to stand with a fractured bone in your foot.

Is the foot the biggest bone in the body?

The foot is made from several bones. The thigh bone is the longest bone.

What is the strongest foot bone?

The Calcaneus Bone, one of the Metatarsals, and it forms the heel of the foot.

What forms the heel of the foot?

Calcaneous is the heel bone and it is the largest bone in the human foot.

What is a tarsal bone classified as?

a bone in the foot?

What are torn ligaments in a foot?

Ligaments join bone to bone. Thus the foot has skeletal damage.

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What is calcaneous?

The Calcaneal is the heel bone in the foot. It's also the largest bone in the human foot. It also is the name given to the corresponding bones in other mammals.

Do horses have bone marrow?

A:Yes, the bones in horses contain bone marrow. However you should not feed a horse bone marrow. A:Yes. All mammals have bone marrow, which is where their bodies manufacture blood cells.

What did the Comanche Indians used for transportation?

horses and by foot

Unusual facts about horses?

Horses cannot throw up& they have no collar bone.