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Each clove of garlic is actually a complete bulb. At the base of the clove is denser tissue that is sometimes a bit woody; this is actually the highly compressed stem of the plant. Under a microscope, one can see the garlic leaves fully formed but not yet elongated, and this is all surrounded by a fleshy storage leaf, which contains starch to feed the roots which develop over the winter underground (and it's also the bulk of what you eat). Adventitious roots can also be seen at the base of the stem; these are very often seen on garlic that has been in storage for some time. The leaves are arranged around the compressed stem. In between the first 2 or 3 leaves (inside the clove), at the base of where each leaf is attached to the stem, are a number of axillary buds. These are much like buds that form new branches of a basil plant at the base of each basil leaf. When you pinch the apical meristem, or top, of the basil plant, the axillary buds begin to elongate and develop. The axillary buds at the base of the first few leaves of the garlic clove are what grow out and develop into the new cloves. Ophioscodoron garlics (hard neck) have relatively few of these axillary buds (6 to 10) while Sativum garlics (soft neck) can have up to 20 or more).

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Q: What botanical structure is each clove of the garlic bulb?
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What is a garlic clove?

The answer to what is a garlic clove is that it is either 1 section of a garlic bulb.

What is a collective noun for garlic?

The collective nouns for garlic are a bulb of garlic or a rope of garlic.

Is garlic a bulb?

Garlic is considered to be both a vegetable and a herb.

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How many garlic cloves are in a bulb?

It depends on how long the garlic clove has been growing... They aren't all the exact same...

Is a garlic clove a flower?

flavour really

What size is a clove of garlic?

A clove of garlic is a single "wedge-shaped" section of the entire white "bulb" of the garlic.

How much Jared minced garlic is equivalent to a garlic clove?

1 clove of garlic is equivalent to 1 teaspoon of chopped garlic 1 teaspoon of chopped garlic is equivalent to one-half teaspoon of minced garlic. So, one-half teaspoon of (drained) jarred minced garlic is equivalent to a garlic clove. Here are some other useful conversions: 1 garlic bulb = about 10 cloves of garlic. 1 clove of garlic = 1 teaspoon chopped garlic 1 clove of garlic = 1/2 teaspoon of minced garlic 1/8 teaspoon of garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon of garlic flakes 1/4 teaspoon of granulated garlic 1/2 teaspoon of garlic juice

What part of the plant does garlic powder come from?

Garlic comes from a bulb that forms at the bottom of the plant. When you plant a single clove of garlic, it sends up tubular leaves, like large green onions. As each new leaf is added, it forms a clove of garlic inside the bulb, and a "wrap" around the entire garlic bulb.

Is 'clove' a collective noun?

No, the noun 'clove' is not a collective noun. It is not a word for a group of things.The noun 'clove' is a word for the dried flower bud of a tropical tree that is used as a spice and a source of an oil; a tree that is the source of these buds; one of the small sections of a separable bulb, such as garlic; a word for a thing.The noun 'bulb' can function as a collective noun as a bulb of cloves.

1 clove of garlic equals?

A head or bulb of garlic usually contains about 10 cloves. 1 clove = 1 teaspoon chopped garlic = 1/2 teaspoon minced garlic = 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder = 1/2 teaspoon garlic flakes = 1/4 teaspoon granulated garlic = 1/2 teaspoon garlic juice

Difference in clove of garlic pod of garlic?

They are the same. A "bulb" of garlic is a collection of "buttons" or "cloves". One clove, is one of the many "buttons" also known as "cloves" which make up the "head" or "bulb" of garlic. This is one of the many reasons that the English language is the most difficult language, in the world, to learn. We have so many ways of saying the EXACT same THING! I thank God, that I was raised speaking English, because I don't think that I could learn this language, today! ;-D