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Q: What breaks covalent bonds in DNA backbone?
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What are the bonds found in DNA molecules?

The molecules of the sugar-phosphate backbone in DNA are joined together by covalent bonds (known as phosphodiester bonds).

What connects the backbone of the DNA molecule together?

The DNA backbone is made of phosphate group and deoxyribose, and they are held together by covalent bonding.

Do covalent bonds join DNA sugar phosphate backbones?

Yes, the sugar and phosphate that make up the DNA backbone are joined together with covalent bonds. These bonds are stronger than the hydrogen bonds which join the bases from different strands together.

What type of chemical bond holds together the backbone of a strand of DNA?

Covalent bonds between a sugar molecule (deoxyribose) and a phosphate group make up the backbone of DNA. These are very strong covalent bonds and are broken only with great expenditure of energy--x-rays, for example.

Which enzyme is responsible for creating the covalent bonds that connect the sugar-phosphate backbone of the new DNA molecule?

DNA ligase

What type of bond connects to the backbone of a DNA molecule?

The nucleotides are linked by peptide bonds - covalent bonds between the carbon in the carboxyl group and the nitrogen in the amino group. The double helix is formed by hydrogen bonds between the hydrogens and oxygens of two strands of nucleotides.

What bonds are in DNA and where are they found?

There are two types of bonds in DNA: phosphodiester bonds and hydrogen bonds. The phosphodiester bonds are the strong covalent bonds that create the phosphate-deoxyribose backbone. The hydrogen bonds links the "rungs" of the ladder, between nitrogen bases.

Explain how the structure of DNA relates to its function.?

The structure of DNA relates to its function greatly as the covalent bonds form the backbone of the DNA and provide the overall structure while the weak hydrogen bonds allow the DNA to unzip when needed to undergo replication.

Which enzyme is responsible for creating the covalent bonds that connect the sugar phosphate back bone of the new DNA molecules?

An enzyme called HELICASE breaks the sugar to phosphate bonds in DNA strands to initiate DNA replication and DNA transcription.

What protein cuts DNA?

It is DNA Helicase that breaks the Hydrogen Bonds, officially "cutting the DNA". Then DNA Polymerase adds complementary nucleotides to the split DNA molecules. Then DNA Ligase "scans" the DNA for any flaws in the sugar/Phosphate backbone.

What enzyme breaks the bonds between the complementary parent strands?

Hydrolysis(break) of a phosphodiester bond, separates two strands of DNA Strand breakage by the DNA untwisting enzyme results in covalent attachment of the enzyme to DNA

Which macromolecule has a sugar-phosphate backbone?

Nucleic acids DNA and RNADNA has deoxyribose and phosphate forming the backbone and an attached nitrogenous base, These three components form a nucleotide.RNA has ribose sugar, phosphate and nitrogenous bases. The bonds holding the macromolecule together are covalent bonds within the nucleotides and hydrogen bonds holding the double strands of the DNA molecule.