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Q: What breaks down essential nutrients and return them to the soil?
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Break down essential nutrients and return them to the soil?

Bacteria typically break down essential nutrients and return them to the soil. Sometimes fungi will break down essential nutrients and return them to the soil as well.

What break down essential nutrients and return the to the soil?


What system breaks down nutrients?


What is the chemical process that breaks down nutrients?


How does fungi obtain its nutrients?

it breaks things down

What organelle breaks down nutrients?

The organelle that breaks down nutrients is called mitochondria. Mitochondria are found in most eukaryotic cells in animals, plants and fungi.

When your body breaks down food into nutrients what type of digestion takes place?

When your body breaks down food into nutrients, chemical digestion is taking place. In contrast, physical digestion breaks down food mechanically into smaller particles.

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What breaks down nutrients in a cell?

no cells do not break down nutrients. digestive enzymes do and depending on where or what in the body you want to break down depends on what kind. for example in the mouth there is amylase enzyme which breaks down starch or pepsin in the stomach which breaks down protein. trypsin and erepsin also break down protein but in the small intestine. hope this is ok