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Angus, Red Angus, Texas Longhorn, Hereford, Shorthorn, Red Poll, Devon, Galloway, or any other British breed that will put more muscle and growth in the calves but keep them small for the heifers to calve out.

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Q: What breed of bull would be good to cross with corriente heifers?
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What is optimal pelvic measurement for first calf heifers?

This all depends on the breed. As such, your veterinarian would have a better idea of what the optimum pelvic size is for your particular breed or breed-mix of heifers you are wanting to get bred.

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I would think that if they were closely related, they would at least be a cross of the same breed.

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They cannot cross breed. You would undoubtedly get a dead beetle.

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What kind of cows do are used in steer wrestling?

Since "kind of cows" could mean anything from "kind of breed" to gender, I'll give you what I think are used in steer wrestling: Since the word "steer wrestling" seems self explanitory, I would assume that steers are used in steer wrestling. However, a little bird told me that heifers can also be used in this rodeo sport. Now as for the Breeds, they would mainly use crosses or purebred Corriente and Texas Longhorn cattle.

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You would need to go on cross breed and cross breed a sea turtle and a comodo dragon and it gives you 40,000 coins!

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An Alaskan Malamute/Siberian Husky mix is a cross breed and a hybrid because a cross breed is a hybrid. In this case, a hybrid would be defined as the offspring of two different breeds of dogs which is what a cross breed is as well.

Can to different types of hamster have babies?

Yes I suppose but it would be a cross breed.

What do you get when you have a norwhal and a horse cross breed?

i believe that it would form an amphibious fish unciorn that has fins for legs or a gaint fat blob of uglyness. if you could cross breed them but to bad you cant.

Will a swordtail breed with a mollie?

No they are entirely different species and can not cross breed. Mollies are Poecilia sp. and Swordtails and Plattys are Xiphophorus sp. To cross them would be like crossing a dog with a cow.

What is Maltese like?

It's best to cross with a breed that is similar in size and stature to the Maltese. For example, a toy or miniature poodle could be cross bred and would look cute.

Can you breed a jersey cow?

Are you asking can a human breed a Jersey cow? The answer would be no; no offspring would be produced in such a cross. But, you can breed a Jersey cow via AI or artificial insemination with semen from a Jersey bull.