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Christianity became more widespread because the Roman Empire adopted it as a state religion. Before this time, adherents were mostly persecuted and killed for proclaiming the gospel of Christ.

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Q: What brought about the rapid spread of Christianity in the 4th century AD?
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Did Christianity spread very rapidly and become the majority religion in the Roman Empire by the end of the first century AD?

A:Christianity spread relatively slowly for the first three centuries. By the time of Emperor Constantine, the first Christian emperor, scholars believe that Christians represented only around ten per cent of the population of the empire, mainly represented in the eastern part of the empire. Mithraism was another new religion of similar antiquity, and it rivalled Christianity until at least the third century, when many of Mithraism's followers seem to have switched allegiance to the god, Sol Invictus. The policies of Constantine and his Christian successors not only ensured the survival of Christianity as a major religion, they also ensured its rapid growth in the decades to follow. At the end of the fourth century, Christians probably still represented a minority of the population when Emperor Theodosius declared Christianity to be the official religion of empire and that the public worship of the old gods was punishable by death.

How did the rapid increase in immigration cause conflict?

Rapid urban growth brought problems. Not enough housing existed for all the newcomers. Greedy landlords profited from the housing shortage by squeezing large apartment buildings onto small lots. There was not much sunlight and air. Their outdoor toilets overflowed, which spread disease. Crime flourished abundantly. There were also a lot of food shortages.

What encouraged the rapid spread of ASCs?

the development of accreditation programs and standards on the one hand and government approval on the other

In what century did the most rapid advances in health care occur?

The 1900's showed the most rapid advances in health care. Before 1945-47, there were no antibiotics and few vaccines.

Why did Christianity spread so quickly?

By the time of Emperor Constantine, after three centuries of preaching, Christianity represented about ten per cent of the population of the Roman Empire. Part of this more limited success resulted from awe at the power of the Christian Church Fathers, who had claimed that some among them could cure sickness and even raise the dead. Part of it resulted from respect for Christianity's undoubted concern for the poor and its moral principles.Constantine gave Christianity considerable state patronage and began the persecution of the pagan temples. He also ensured that those with ambition knew they would improve their career prospects by adopting Christianity, or at least appearing to do so. When agreeing to peace treaties with the conquered German tribes, he insisted on a condition that they all convert to Christianity. Christianity grew rapidly throughout the empire during Constantine's reign, but by the time he died, was still only supported by a minority of the population.Constantine's Christian sons and successors increased the persecution of the pagan temples and continued to encourage Christianity. Eventually, Theodosius (378-395) made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire and banned the public worship of pagan gods. Paganism lasted another two centuries, but the success of Christianity was assured.Around 987, the pagan Prince Vladimir of Kiev sent envoys to neighbouring lands to find out about other religions. He wanted to ally his land with its most powerful neighbours through religion, a decision which led to his adoption of Christianity. Vladimir was baptised into Orthodox Christianity and required the same of all his subjects. Thus, all of Russia became Christian on the decision of one man.With the opening up of the New World, Christianity had the opportunity to spread to new fields. Sometimes this was at the point of the sword, sometimes by genuine preaching and sometimes assisted by deception. Some historians say that the sixteenth century Spaniards created the legend of Our Lady of Guadalupe, saying that an image appeared on a simple peasant's cloak, to encourage the conversion of the indigenous population of early Mexico.Nelson Mandela, in his autobiography, tells that in South Africa rural blacks could only receive any form of education by adopting Christianity and attending Christian schools. Those who aspired to being seen as cultured and civilised realised that Christianity was the path to be taken.

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Persecution occurred off and on over two centuries until 313 AD when Constantine came into power. The persecution did influence the development of Christianity and shaping the theology and structure of the church. Many saints cults were also a by product which may have helped the rapid spread of Christianity.

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Did Christianity spread very rapidly and become the majority religion in the Roman Empire by the end of the first century AD?

A:Christianity spread relatively slowly for the first three centuries. By the time of Emperor Constantine, the first Christian emperor, scholars believe that Christians represented only around ten per cent of the population of the empire, mainly represented in the eastern part of the empire. Mithraism was another new religion of similar antiquity, and it rivalled Christianity until at least the third century, when many of Mithraism's followers seem to have switched allegiance to the god, Sol Invictus. The policies of Constantine and his Christian successors not only ensured the survival of Christianity as a major religion, they also ensured its rapid growth in the decades to follow. At the end of the fourth century, Christians probably still represented a minority of the population when Emperor Theodosius declared Christianity to be the official religion of empire and that the public worship of the old gods was punishable by death.

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Since the advent and rapid spread of the mobile phone and satellite phone, I believe it has spread everywhere!

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More efficient government

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How did the Romans strengthen the Empire?

Historians generally agree that the Roman Empire was already in decline before Christianity became dominant during the fourth century CE. Some say that Christianity was the dominant reason for its subsequent rapid decline, at least in the west, while others say that it was only a contributing factor, although an important one. Christianity did not actually strengthen the empire.

Why did the Gospels spread so widely during the first three centuries?

In the approximately three centuries of Christianity before the time of Emperor Constantine, Christianity is believed to have converted ten percent of the population ofthe Roman Empire. This is a very substantial achievement for the time, but it is not possible to point to proven reasons for its rapid spread. All it is possible to do is to offer some opinions. First, Christianity benefitted from the spread of the Roman Empire, which made travel throughout the realm easy and safe. The spread of ideas was facilitated. The major competitors for the allegiance of the pagans were Judaism and Mithraism, both of which had weaknesses compared to Christianity. Judaism required adult circumcision of proselytes, whereas Christians could claim to worship the same God, without the pain and risk of converting to Judaism. Mithraism did not admit women as full participants, whereas Christianity often converted the women first, then encouraging the women to convert their menfolk. Early Christianity came in several varieties, with substantially different messages that appealed in different ways, and potential converts could choose whether to join the proto-Catholic-Orthodox branch, or any of the Gnostic branches and other early sects of Christianity. The descendants of those who joined Gnostic Christianity joined the proto-Catholic-Orthodox in the fourth century, after their faith became illegal. There were many reasons for Christianity's early success, and these may have been significant factors.

What civilization helped spread Christianity?

Roman Power established a commonwealth and Christ was born at the crossroads of history when trade routes, roads and shipping combined to enable the rapid spread of the gospel throughout the civilian world.The decline of the Empire left an infrastructure and written records of the period and of the network of churches survived ,albeit against political and divisive opposition