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a praying mantis

EDIT: various species of debris-carrying larvae will do this. it can some times be difficult to determine which species exactly.

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Q: What bug has mandible mouth parts and puts stuff on its back?
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How far back does the tongue go?

The tongue extends back to the base of the mouth, where it is attached to the hyoid bone and the mandible (jawbone). It also reaches towards the epiglottis, which helps with swallowing and preventing food from entering the windpipe.

What is the correct name for jaw bone?

In anatomy and physiology the jawbone is known as the mandible. The jawbone is the largest and strongest bone in the face.

Where on your body would you find your mandible?

The jaw bone or mandible is located in the head, it is the only skull bone that moves. It is fairly simple to judge where it is, below the bottom teeth. To find it put your hand on your chin, that's it, then to find the ramus (at the back) slide your hand round the side at the bottom until you come to a shapr upwards corner, this is the ramus.

What body parts of the cow use to get food?

The mouth: the tongue wraps around the grass, and the lower incisors "chop" the grass as the tongue pulls it into the mouth. The grass is then pushed to the back of the mouth, chewed a little bit, then swallowed.

How many parts of the body are in the mouth?

Teeth: Thirty two individual teeth (molar, premolar, canine & incisor) ...Tongue: One of the longest organs within the body ...Tonsils: The back sides of the mouth ...Soft Palate : Upper part of the mouth ...Uvula : The "ball" in the back of the throat ..

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Post-nasal drip causes that symptom.

What is white stuff in the back of my throat and bad breath?

It is a natural process. But it is normally an indicator that your mouth is not clean and it is gathering food particles that stay in your mouth and rot. I recommend using mouthwash and brushing your teeth. Maybe even flossing!

What type of mouthparts do honey bees have?

Honey bees have a combined mouth parts than can both chew and suck (whereas grasshoppers can chew and moth can suck, but not both). This is accomplished by having both mandibles and a proboscis. The mandibles are the paired "teeth" that can be open and closed to chew wood, manipulate wax, cleaning other bees, and biting other workers or pests (mites). The proboscis is mainly used for sucking in liquids such as nectar, water and honey inside the hive, for exchanging food with other bees (trophallaxis), and also for removing water from nectar. The workers can put a droplet of nectar between the proboscis and the rest of the mouth parts to increase the surface area, and slowly moving the proboscis back and forth.

How can strep throat disease can be prevented?

medication... or like when you go to a pharmacy they give you numbing stuff u spray to the back of ur mouth and you cant feal the pain anymore

How do you get all of the stuff back to Zeus on mythology island?

defeat him and you will get your stuff back

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