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fermentation in bread induce alcohol and carbon dioxide.

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Q: What byproduct of fermentation has been utilized in the production of bread?
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Related questions

What does bread have to do with fermentation?

The production of Alcoholic Beverages, bread, sauerkraut, vinegar, and many other foods involves fermentation.

What does alcoholic fermentation have to do with bread?

The production of alcoholic beverages, bread, sauerkraut, vinegar, and many other foods involves fermentation.

What are the purposes of anaerobic fermentation?

Fermentation in which no oxygen is present. It is generally used by yeast for the production of beer and bread.

What is the difference between bread fermentation and wine fermentation?

The goal of wine fermentation is primarily alcohol production, flavour change and preservation. The alcohol produced inhibits other microbes from growing. In bread however, the goal of fermentation is minor flavour change and C02 production. The C02 produced cases the bread to rise (minor amounts of alcohol is also produced prolonging shelf life alittle).

Why is fermentation mportant?

Without it - many foods would be unpalatable - or impossible. Fermentation plays a part in the production of beer, wine, vinegar & bread !

Why is unleavened bread more healthful than leavened bread?

Fermented bread contains yeast. During anaerobic respiration, the yeast produces CO2 as a byproduct of fermentation; the CO2 makes the bread rise. Without yeast, there is no fermentation- no CO2 is produced, and the bread does not rise.

In what industry is alcoholic fermentation important?

The economic importance of alcoholic fermentation is the production of bread and alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic fermentation is the driving force of the beer industry and the baked good industries.

Is bread a plant byproduct?


Is fermentation sugar in bread physical change or chemical change?

It's a chemical change. Fermentation involves the production of alcohol and carbon dioxide from sugar. Since new substances are formed, the change is chemical, rather than physical.

How can they help in food production?

microbes r very helpful in food production today .it helps in fermentation and produces large amount of yogurt,cheese,alcohols,bread,bun,,brewery industry based upon it.

How does the processes of fermentation help bread rise?

answer 2 In the fermentation process, the yeast produces CO2 which, as bubbles, makes the bread more porous, and 'rise'.

What is the role of fermentation in baking bread?

Fermentation - creates bubbles of carbon dioxide... which causes the dough to rise, and gives bread light, open texture.