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I agree that calling oneself "pro-anorexic" is disgusting and demeaning to those who suffer from anorexia. If you even knew what it was like to have any eating disorder, whether it be anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorder, you would quickly realize how hurtful it is to hear someone say they are in favor of that disorder.

At the same time, there probably IS something psychologically wrong with you if you are going around for advice on how to be pro-anorexic. If your mind really is in a state where you are so desperate to lose weight that you are willing to lose your close relations with your family and friends, put yourself in a very physically dangerous state, be chronically tired/crabby/weak/depressed/lonely/etc., cry all the time, and hate yourself, then GET HELP. Or just ask how many calories it takes to lose weight dangerously fast. But please don't use that god-awful term- "pro-anorexic." That is like saying "pro-schizophrenia," which is not okay.

AnswerAs a recovering anorexic,i can honestly say, there is NO such thing as this so called 'pro-anorexia' Anorexia is a PHYSCOLOGICAL disease, someone who claims they are pro anorexic is really a wanna be & does not have this disease at all actually! People who are really anorexic will never admit this!Unless they are recovering ,which makes them not pro anorexia. Wanting to be thin & anorexia are 2 totally different things. People who are anorexic don't discus or ask,they do their own research & then do it! Because anorexia is really a disease in the mind, your mind tells you what to do,not others. People giving you advice on what low cals they take are not anorexic, just mostly wanna be 's! You CAN NOT make yourself something, if you are anorexic it is because you have a physcological disease that guides you what to do, many people I've noticed claim they are but in reality they just want to have this awfull disease & i have no clue why! If you limit your calorie intake & overexercise that doesnt mean you are anorexic, though anorexics do this, its really a mental issue rather then just wanting to loose weight.Most real anorexics have been sexually abused,or some sort of abuse in their lives when they were young! If you want to lose weight,then that's one thing, anorexia is totally another, and as for weight loss protein always works! As long as there is NO junk food or only once in awhile then you shouldn't be worried about your calories. Anorexics worry about their calories because it is a physcological thing, if you were anorexic you would know what I'm talking about. its not a choice,but an awfull lonely disease! Answeras an anorexic, i aim to eat around 400 calories, the best i have ever done is around 150 calories. look, i know lots of people look at us anorexics like we're sick and stupid, i know, i use to have that point of view, but all we want is to be left alone. please.

--i hope the ones who love you "leave you alone" when they think it's safe for you to be left alone. as in when you shut up and go to rehab. -- a recovered con-anorexic

AnswerIt would be irresponsible to answer questions like this. It sounds like you're getting involved in some dangerous eating habits. There are far more healthy ways to stay fit.

why would anyone want to live like this? its ruined years of my life and i cant get out of it! its not something you learn how to be or some stupid celebrity diet its a mental illness and i thnk its disgraceful when i see people asking for tips, its mocking people with real issues.

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Q: What calorie range does a pro anorexic try and aim for to lose weight?
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Healthy diet & exercise

What happen when calorie intake less than calorie need?

You will lose energy and weight. . . and you will be hungry

How do you be a healthy anorexic?

You can never be a healthy anorexic. Your thoughts and motivation are the key part of anorexia. Anorexics are obsessed with food and exercise, and never think they are thin enough. If you want to lose weight, a healthy diet and plenty of exercise are necessary. Anorexia may help you lose weight fast, but much of that will be muscle and water. One way to lose fat faster is a CR (calorie restricted) diet. Basically, it means getting the most vitamins and nutrients out of your food with the least calories.

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Usually to lose weight women stick to a 1500 to 1700 calorie plan. Guys can do a 2000 calorie plan ok. however anything that is a reduction of your normal total calorie intake is a good diet.

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It depends on height and weight, but in general, the recommended calorie range for someone that age trying to lose weight would be anywhere from 1,500-1,800 calories a day.

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They are self conscious about their weight, and they will do anything to lose the weight. Anorexia is dangerous and people have even died of it.

Do anorexic people lose thigh weight?

Yes, it takes longer then stomach fat, but yes

How much weight can you lose if you become anorexic?

Too much. Enough that you can die--like my friend.