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The Bible as a compilation of holy scriptures is really a concept of the Common Era. Even the Hebrew Bible was not formulated before the Council of Jamnia. Before the Council of Jamnia, Judaism had a number of books that were variously regarded as potential scriptures, but not all of these were selected for inclusion in the Bible. Some of the first Old Testament books were written during the reign of King Josiah, but before this there were source documents written by anonymous authors now known as the Yahwist and the Elohist*. Those sources, in turn, no doubt wrote down oral traditions that already existed early in the first millennium BCE.

Before even the Hebrew people began to develop their religious traditions, there were many even earlier scriptures among their Semitic neighbours and forbears, and from which some of the material in the Bible evolved. Probably the most famous of these predecessor scriptures is the Epic of Gilgamesh.

*Note: Many theologians still maintain that the first books of the Old Testament were written by Moses, almost a thousand years earlier.

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Q: What came before the Bible?
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