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Q: What can't pass through the phospholipid bilayer?
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What substance can pass through the lipid bilayer i.e. in between the phospholipid molecules?

Lipid solublewater insolublenon-polarnon-ionized

Why is it necessary for glucose to be pumped into the cell rather than diffusing in?

Glucose cannot pass through a phospholipid bilayer by simple diffusion.

How does the cell membranes relate to its function?

Cell membrane mainly consists of bilayer phospholipid which makes sure that nothing but water to pass through.

Why cant water simply diffuse through the phospholipid bilayer?

Because there is a hydrophobic core in the phospholipid bilayer, it may be difficult for water molecules to pass through the membrane. Therefore, there are proteins that aid this process called aquaporins.

A hypothetical microbullet shot through a phospholipid bilayer would pass the components in which order?

Head - Tail - Tail - Head

What can pass through the bilayer with ease?

Molecules that are not polar or ion molecules. That is because they won't be stopped by the hydrophobic tails and they will have the acknowledgement to pass through the cell membrane thanks to little resistance. This makes those molecules have an advantage.

What is meant by cell membrane is semipermeable?

It allows only certain molecules to pass through.

What is definition of selectively permeable?

The selectively permeable phospholipid bilayer (a.k.a plasma membrane) is 'selectively permeable' because it selects which molecules it allows to permeate (pass through).

What are molecules on the cell membrane responsible for?

Letting different molecules in and out of a cell. Chemicals including steroid hormones, reactants and products of respiration...ect. the chemicals have to pass through the phospholipid bilayer (which is made from phosphates and fatty acid chains) molecules pass through the bilayer through passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active transport.

Is the lipid bilayer permeable to most water-soluble substances?

The lipid bilayer is impermeable to most water-soluble substances.The bilayer, most of which is a phospholipid bilayer, is permeable only to small, non-polar substances.In nature, the most common compounds to pass through the bilayer are carbon dioxide and oxygen.Scientists differ over how much water passes in and out of cells through the bilayer; some passes through special transport proteins called aquaporins.

Is the lipid bilayer permeable to most water soluble substances?

The lipid bilayer is impermeable to most water-soluble substances.The bilayer, most of which is a phospholipid bilayer, is permeable only to small, non-polar substances.In nature, the most common compounds to pass through the bilayer are carbon dioxide and oxygen.Scientists differ over how much water passes in and out of cells through the bilayer; some passes through special transport proteins called aquaporins.