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Depending on the distance between the binary pair, it is possible for the white dwarf to draw gas from it's companion causing the star to reach the Chandrasekhar limit causing the white dwarf to explode as a nova or a type La supernova.

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Q: What can a white dwarf do to it's companion star?
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What is an explosion seen when a white dwarf captures H from a companion star?

A nova is an explosion seen when a white dwarf star captues H from a companion star.

Why is a star said to be dead when it is a white dwarf?

after the star implodes an explodes it becomes a white dwarf or a black hole Because it has used up all of it's fuel and has nothing left to convert into energy (unless it can accrete additional fuel from a companion star).

Is a white dwarf capable of fusing elements?

Not normally. A white dwarf is the remnant of a star in which fusion has stopped. If, however, a white dwarf has a close binary companion star it can accrete gas from that companion. If enough gas collects on the white dwarf it can ignite a complex reaction change between the hydrogen gas and the carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen of the surface. Unlike the steady fusion in a main sequence star, the fusion on a white dwarf is a runaway reaction that results in a massive explosion called a nova, which drives away the accreted gas and ends fusion. If the white dwarf is massive enough the accretion of gas can trigger carbon fusion inside the white dwarf, resulting in an even larger explosion called a type Ia supernova, which destroys the white dwarf.

Is Pluto a white dwarf star?

Pluto is not a white dwarf star, it is just a dwarf planet.

Is a dwarf star and a white dwarf the same thing?

No. A dwarf star is a small star. A white dwarf is just one particular type of dwarf star, but there are other types.

Is the white dwarf the biggest star?

No a white dwarf is a small compact star.

Is Pollux a white dwarf star?

No, Pollux is not a white dwarf, it is a orange giant star.

What is a cooled white dwarf star that is extremely dense?

A cooled white dwarf is a black dwarf. I think you are thinking of a neutron star which has nothing to do with a white dwarf.

What may result when a white dwarf in a close binary system accretes matter from the companion star?

If a carbon-oxygen white dwarf accretes matter from the companion star it can reach a point where the outward pressure is not sufficient to support its plasma and it collapses until the internal pressure and heat ignite carbon fusiion in the core - producing a type 1a supernova.

Why would a white dwarf become a red dwarf?

A white dwarf could not become a red dwarf. A white dwarf is a remnant of a dead star. A red dwarf is a star with a very low mass.

Is white dwarf a massive star?

No. A white dwarf is the remnant of a low to medium mass star.

What star is known as the faint white star?

a white dwarf star