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An attack on a country's embassy where there is death, when that country is at peace with the attacking country.

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Q: What can be broad acts that can be termed as 'Acts of War'?
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How many acts are in gears of war?

There's 5 acts for 1 and 2

How did british acts affect American colonies?

British Acts that caused the Revolutionary war are the Stamp Act, Sugar Act, Townshend Acts, Quartering Act (no not a quarter), and the Tea Act. These acts caused rebellions and the bigger picture, the Revolutionary war.

What was required by the Neutralilty Acts?

Outlaws acts of war against a country with which the USA is allied or at peace

The reconstruction acts required that?

The reconstruction acts is required by government. This was passed after the American Civil War.

What acts brought the US into war?

the united states brung up the convoy system, then they got involved

What was the purpose of the Espionage and Sedition Acts that were passed during World War 1?

espoinge and sedition acts

How did England handle the problems after the french nd Indian war?

In order to pay off their war debt they heavily taxed the colonist and past many acts which were unfair to the colonists. These acts include the intolerable acts, the townsend acts, and also other taxes such as the stamp,tea ETC...

The US passed what acts throughout the 1930s in an attempt to keep America out of any foreign war?

neutrality acts

Why did the neutrilty acts happen?

The Neutrality Acts happened because many Americans did not want to get involved in an overseas war, especially after the horrific experience of the First World War. The acts were signed during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

What were the Navigation Acts and how did the Navigation Acts effect the colonies and what was there purpose?

there was resentment toward England and altermately lead to the revolutionary war

How many acts are their in gear of war 2?


How do you insure a vehicle against acts of war?

You can't