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Traditionally the first recommendation made for bulimia treatment is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), principally because of the relative wealth of clinical research regarding its effectiveness. However, while CBT has been the most successful therapy, there are some indications that Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) can be equally as effective in bulimia treatment. Additionally, a number of support groups such as Overeaters Anonymous function to help people recover from bulimia.

A second bulimia treatment model, which may or may not function in combination with CBT, involves prescription anti-depressants, most notably tricyclics, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, and serotonin reuptake inhibitors, with the SSRI's showing the most promise in clinical trials.

Care is almost always provided on an out-patient basis except when the patient needs medical attention for life-threatening physical complications or severe psychological problems.

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15y ago
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14y ago

To best understand bulimia one has to let go of some of the orthodox ideas about eating disorders, and illness generally. The first thing to keep in mind is that the bingeing and purging are only symptoms of a much more deeply embedded disease.

Controlling the binge/purge cycle is important, but any treatment that focuses purely on this aspect is fundamentally flawed and shows a lack of understanding of the disease. Instead we have to recognize a deeper illness, often with many other symptoms including depression, anxiety, other addictive behavior and often physical effects apparently unrelated to bulimia. These may include skin problems, menstrual irregularity, or insomnia. Overall, the binge/purge cycle is an indicator but little more, of a far more invasive chronic condition.

The continuing suppression of these symptoms does nothing to cure the deeper disease. Instead, the illness looks for other mechanisms of expression. If, for example, a sufferer attempts to cure the insomnia with sleeping pills it may reduce briefly, but may later return more vehemently. More likely another apparently unrelated symptom may occur, such as a skin condition or digestive issues. The suppression of symptoms often simply forces the underlying condition into new and more damaging means of expression. As a result, some clients begin to feel they are 'always ill'. In reality, the same illness is expressing itself in many different ways. For an example of treatment that works effectively take a look at This is a typical and effective treatment plan. So what are the best forms of treatment? Hypnotherapy Hypnotherapy has shown consistently effective results, though you do need to find a therapist that has experience of working with bulimics. You should ask what the treatment plan would look like. If they reply, "what's a treatment plan?", then hang up the phone and keep looking. Some hypnotherapy is based on metaphysical ideas, rather than medical and technical ideas. You want a treatment plan that focuses on the reduction of anxiety, moderation of eating practices and increases physical activty - at the very least. Typically you would see a hypnotherapist about four or five times. Psychotherapy A psychotherapist can help you understand the source of the anxiety, and can help you deconstruct some of the cuases of the issue. You will still have to motivate yourself into physical activity, but psychotherapy can help, if no hypnotherapist is available. If the psychotherapist is going to use hypnosis ask precisely what their experience with hypnosis is. They should not attempt to hypnotise you unless they are very experienced at hypnosis specifically for eating disorders. The reason I mention this is that it is very different from simply motivating someone to eat. This is a complex issue and needs someone with experience. Eating Disorder Clinics Before going down this route contact someone who has been a patient. Some are good, others will throw bulimics in with general addiction clients. All this does is raise anxiety. Any stop in bulimic activity is because there is no opportunity. The bulimic activity returns as soon as they are released. Others are better - in which case you should be able to find someone (here or via a search on Google) who has attended and will talk to you about it. If you are looking at a government run centre, confirm it deals specifically with bulimia and ask for evidence of success. If they even mention 'weight gain' as a success metric then keep looking around.You need to be assured the staff know what they are talking about. Success is measured in cessation of bulimic activity over a period of years. Remember, you probably know more about bulimia than they do! Don't be fooled into trusting a so called professional, unless you are convinced they are capable and have the necessary experience. Psychiatrists Many bulimics report their experience with a psychiatrist was a twenty minute chat, then a prescription that results in anti depressants. Often they never see the psychiatrist again. This does nothing to effect a cure. It probably results in a further addiction. If you are invited to see a psychiatrist, ask for details of their approach to working with eating disorders. If they are unable or unwilling to give detailed information, then they probably don't have much experience of it. Use the forums on to find out if anyone has been to that particular Doctor and if they have a good reputation. Suppport Groups Support groups can be very powerful aids. Be sure it is a group that is specifically for Eating Disorders. Avoid the addiction groups unless you are absolutely sure you wish to go down that road. Some support groups become stagnant at times, but get better later - so it's worth looking about periodically. If you find a good one mention it in the Forum here, so others pick up on it. Web based systems Even talking about bulimia can be very hard for some people. The web offers a fairly anonymous mechanism to start discussing bulimia. Some web based treatments, or downloadable systems can be helpful. See the products page for more. Starting your own support group Not as silly as it sounds, especially if you are not in a large city. There are sure to be other Group B people in your area. If you want to contact them put up a posting on and see who finds it.

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14y ago

Yes, you can but it is difficult to do alone. It is also easier to overcome it the sooner you get help. I would suggest meeting with a therapist and a nutritionalist to get the help that you need.

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10y ago

In order to cure the eating disorder bulimia, a person can get help or counselling from people that specialise in nutrition and eating disorders, this may be done as part of a group or single sessions.

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10y ago

It can't be cured, only helped and treated for. It needs to be mentally fixed, but it takes usually a few years of treatment.

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12y ago

i would recommend seeing a doctor. or if you know someone that has bulimia, monitor them 24/7.

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14y ago

Yes, there are various treatments fro all eating disorders, including bulimia.

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What does being bulimic mean?

Bulimia is an eating disorder, common especially among young women of normal weight who look in the mirror and see themselves as being fat. They have episodes of episodic binge eating (purging) followed by feelings of guilt, depression, and self-condemnation. After they are done eating as much as they can, they find a quick way to get the food out of their system. Either by forceing themselves to vomit, or take laxetives.

How can compulsive overeating be cured?

Generally an eating disorder is treated. This can be done by contacting a local eating disorder facility. Treatment for eating disorders includes therapy, support, as well as encouragement. Sometimes medication will be needed to lower the levels of anxiety if that is provoking the eating disorder. It takes time, practice, patience, and desire.

What is the historical background of bulimia?

I don't remember the dates, but it was done long ago by royalty when a lot of food was prepared for them and they wanted to eat it all. They would eat their fill, throw up, and repeat. Somewhere between then and now it got turned into an eating disorder and a way to get thin (not really) but that's it

What eating disorder do you have if you purposely throw up food about three times a week and obsess about your body?

Eating disorders most commonly fall into two major categories. The first is anorexia where a person limits the intake of food and calories to an unhealthy extreme. The second is bulimia, also known as the "binge-and-purge" eating disorder. A bulimic person eats food, sometimes large quantities (binging), and then "purges" their system to eliminate the calories. Purging is done by making oneself throw-up the food or by taking laxatives. Anyone who follows either of these practices or obsesses about their body should seek PROFFESSIONAL medical and/or psychiatric help. A good first step would include talking with a family member or a close friend. It could be bulimia or an EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified), whatever is it it could turn into something more serious than it already is.

Do you have an eating disorder if for the last two years all you have done is thought about food and binged and purged and hid it from people and fasted?

Yes you do have an eating disorder and it's called "Bulimia!" If you don't stop your stomach is a muscle and soon it won't be able to stop the purging. Bulimia and Anorexia is all about the person with it gaining control over their lives so it's to your best interest to seek out counseling before things get out of hand. Fasting can be a good thing if done properly, but it should always be done under a doctors care whether it be a conventional doctor's care of a doctor in Homeopathic medicine (the natural way.) You are one unhappy person and you have to try and figure out why. Usually it's because you feel you have no control in your life and unconsciously you know your can control one thing ... what you eat! Please seek that help with a therapist before your really get into trouble. If you don't you could die if you continue on this way!

Is eating under 1000 calories per day considered anorexia or an eating disorder?

A 2000 calorie a day diet is normal for the average adult. Anything less nay be trouble depending on the size, weight , height and age of the person. it wouldn't be a eating disorder if a small child ate 1000 calories a day. eating disorder are MENTAL ILLNESSES how much or how little one eats isn't really the disorder. No, just because someone eats less than 1000 calories doesnt mean they have an eating disorder, they could just be on a crash diet. eventually (usually within days or weeks) they will stop no harm done.

What are questions that you have to ask doctors about bulimia?

If this is your general physician you should mention that you think you are at risk or suffering from bulimia. Most family care physicians are not trained to examine someone with an eating disorder. They should be able to refer you to physician who specializes in evaluating individuals with eating disorders. That physician will generally take your raw weight (meaning no clothes), and physically examine you. Some will have you have an EKG done to confirm that your heart is healthy. You might also have to have blood work done to confirm healthy levels (potassium, magnesium, and sodium is usually very low in individuals who suffer from bulimia). That doctor will generally ask you several questions about your eating habits and provide you with contact information for local facilities that can assist in the recovery process. If you're worried about health problems that could arise from the disease and you wish to monitor those, make regular appointments with your specialist and receive treatment to prevent the health problems and correct the damage that is currently being done to your body. Once you enter treatment your vitals will be monitored and blood work will probably be done regularly.

Why is bulimia bad?

Bulimia is an eating disorder. Disorders are rarely good - especially when they result in tooth decay, ruptured stomach or esophagus, acid reflux, chronic constipation, broken blood vessels in the eyes, chronic sore throat, etc.

Do you throw up after every meal?

If you throw up after every meal, this could mean that you have a stomach illness. It could also mean that you have acid reflux or a food allergy. Speak to your doctor to rule out serious problems.

What research has been done on bulimia nervosa?

Research shows that certain brain chemicals, known as neurotransmitters, may function abnormally in acutely ill bulimia patients.

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As of 2016 there is no cure or treatment for colorblindness.