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The pain, called Arch Pain, is usually caused by running for a long time, being obese, etc. A way to treat these pains are to do some stretching exercises and to have some shoe insert to return the foot to its original position.

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Q: What can be done to treat pain in someone's foot?
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If you are experiencing pain from an injury that you had years back it may be difficult to treat. You should see a foot specialist to see what can be done, but it is likely that orthotics for your shoes may assist in relieving this discomfort.

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Purchasing proper footwear can help treat bottom of the foot pain. Taking long hot foot baths are also great method in foot pain relief. Physical therapy and resting are two other ways for bottom of the foot pain relief.

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The treatment of foot tendonitis would depend on the severity of the injury. Some things that can be done to relieve the pain is to treat the foot with ice as well as taking anti-inflammatories. It is also very important that she rests the foot.

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Your friend needs to stay off of her foot while it heals, so have her lay on a couch with her foot on a pillow, and give her over the counter pain medication.

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Yes, it will also cause them great pain. Put the foot in hot water and treat with anteseptic cream.

Where is my foot arch and how do I treat pain here?

A foot arch is the part of your foot between the toes or front of your foot, and the heel of the foot. If you have a high arch and do not wear proper shoes with a good arch support you can experience strong pain in this area. You may even want to consider shoe inserts.

How can I best treat foot arch pain?

The best way to treat foot arch pain is with rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE). Rest the foot, ice with an icepack wrapped in a towel for no longer than 20 minutes, press the area and then elevate it. Over-the-counter painkillers may also be used to aid in discomfort.

How does diabetes cause foot pain?

I am not completely sure how diabetes can cause foot pain. I have done some research and found videos and guides that might help you about it all also go to the doctors.

What is a good way to treat a stress fracture of the foot?

Sorry to hear that you are having issues with your foot. If you haven't already gone to the doctor, you should probably do that. While you are home, you should have your foot elevated and have ice on it. You should probably stop dancing for a little bit, at least until the pain subsides.

Can foot pain that was caused by a running injury be treated?

The permanent treatment for your foot pain will depend on the extent of the injury. If this was a previous injury that seems to have returned, I would advise seeing your physician, as he or she would be best qualified to tell you how to treat the specific injury.

How can you take someones mind of pain?

Sing them a song.

How can I cheaply and effectively treat foot arch pain?

Mild pain in the arch of the foot could be caused by poor arches. Trying different shoe inserts that provide greater arch support could help to reduce the pain. If that does not work, one should probably check with their doctor to make sure a greater issue is not causing the pain.