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Q: What can be done with loss of appetite due to dengue?
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a prolonged disorder of eating due to loss of appetite.

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animals become very sensitive to sunlight after eating the plant.animals may die of starvation due to loss of appetite and dehydration

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When your terrapin does not have the appetite to eat and its eyes are always close. However, if it's a pet terrapin which you've just bought, loss of appetite may not be due to the illness, but due to the new, unfamiliar environment. I hope this piece of writing helps! XD

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To restore hearing loss, which is usually due to otosclerosis, stapedectomy is performed

Can marijuana forestall loss of lean muscle due to aids?

No. Medical marijuana will not forestall loss of muscle mass. In states where it is apporoved, medical marijuana is used to boost appetite or cope with the side effects of HIV medications.

Why is there epigastric pain on dengue fever?

may be due to GIT bleeding

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Why dengue fever cause thrombocytopenia?

Due to DIC and decreased thrombopoiesis.

What is anorexy?

An anorexiant is any means by which a decrease in body weight is promoted, particularly a form of medication which suppresses appetite.

Is Due to a loss the correct usage of the word due in this sentence?

No. The expression " due to" must not start a sentence, although it is certainly done by very many careless speakers. Proper use of "due to" is as an adjectival phrase modifying the subject of the phrase or sentence: This shortfall is due to a loss.

What are the diseases that you can get from pollution?

due to land pollution we get malaria typhoid dengue chikungunya etc opps it are due to mosquitoes

Why does drinking alcohol make you lose your appetite?

In problem drinkers, alcohol attains the highest priority in the brain above all else. Loss of appetite is generally associated with alcohol withdrawal. Non-alcoholics will usually become more hungry due to a drop in blood sugar.