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Anti pest such as Urea, can kill insect pests.

but urea can decrease the fertility of soil.

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Q: What can be used to kill insects that are eating plants?
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Related questions

What are pestisides used for?

To kill/prevent insects eating crops or doing any damage.

Are pesticides used to make plants grow?

hmmm. Sort of. Pesticides are used to allow plants to survive the onslaught of insects that would otherwise kill the plant of leave it to weak to bear reasonable fruit. Pesticides are also used to kill insects that carry disease. When DDT was made illegal, for example, malria cases increased because we could not control insects as well.

Why are pesticides used?

Pesticides are used in order to kill insects. If insects get on some types of vegetation, it can kill it.

How have plants and plant eating insects coevolved?

Because insect eat plants, some plants evolved in response into poisonous or carnivorous species.Coevolution is just used to describe an organism that evolves in response to another.

Is insecticide and herbicides are preservatives?

I believe you are asking if insecticides and herbicides are used as preservatives. If so, the answer is no. Insecticides kill insects that might damage plants. Herbicides are used to kill plants ( usually as a weed control ). Both are NOT good to consume on fruits and vegetables. They are poisons.

What is the use of insects?

insects are used for pollinating and regrowing more plants.

Harmful insects how do they harm the plants?

Insects harm trees by leaving their harmful bacteria which can spoil tree's branch or leaves and some insects are also capable in making whole into the tree's branch.Some insects like termite can spoil trees by eating their wooden branches.

What did caveman used to paint?

Plants,leaves,and insects.

How does pesticides used on farms?

To kill bugs and insects

Used in poisons to kill rats and insects?


Do slugs eat oak?

No, slugs do not eat oak or any type of bark or wood. Bark is actually a slug repellent and used in gardens to prevent the insects from eating the plants.

Can garlic powder be used in the yard to repel insects?

No garlic powder is not good at all for plants because it can harm the plants and kill them. P.S. Try using water instead of garlic powder. Sincerly,