

Best Answer

Well, you can do anything with your own penis without being gay. You can do almost anything with another guy's penis without being gay -- a lot of guys experiment -- but if guys' penises are the only things that turn you on (or almost the only things) then face it: you're gay (or at least bisexual). Relax and enjoy it, but play safe!

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Q: What can boys do with there dicks with out being gay?
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What is that stuff called that gay boys uses for their dicks?

They don't use anything that straight boys don't use.

Is stone gay?

No, he's hot, sexy, and knows how to treat people write, just other gay boys just can't except that someone is better then him, and there the ones drawing dicks!

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It's a stereotype to say that girls are trickier than boys. Behavior varies among individuals, regardless of gender. People may exhibit "tricky" behavior for a variety of reasons, such as personality, upbringing, or social influences. It's important not to generalize based on gender.

Can boys be girly with out being gay?

yes they can

Who is a gay Mexican?

Fernando Rivera is a gay Mexican sucks mens dicks.

Why do people think boys that dance are gay?

Because they are being silly. Boys that can dance doesn't mean they are gay. They should enjoy dancing.

How do a boy and a boy get marriy?

Two boys don't get married. That is called being gay. Being gay is bad and gross and should not exist.

Is he gay meaning liking girls?

No, being gay typically means being attracted to individuals of the same sex, not girls. If someone is gay, they usually have a romantic or sexual attraction to people of the same gender.

Is looking at another boy's dick gay?

No. Not at all. Only being sexually attracted to other boys is gay.

Should I stop being gay cause i like kissing boys?


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boys hav dicks

Why do girls always go after the gay boys?

Its the forbidden fruit. Humanity wants what they can't have. Girls will want the gay boys because they can't really have them. And they also like being around boys that aren't hitting on them all the time.