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Like adults who get angry when frustrated, four year olds have the same feelings. However, they don't have the experience to deal with it. As a parent, you can make a good guess at what is frustrating the child--it may be something that they can't do (show them how), want to do (reason or redirect them) or just plain stress of the end of the day. It just isn't the time for a hug, but you can ask if they need one. In my experience, water was a great solution. A bubble bath. Or, washing dishes at the sink. I would put some soap on a sponge, gather a bunch of plastics and run the water. For some reason, it just did the trick.

If the angries are typical of a time of day, say, right after getting home, have a small snack and talk before starting the evening. You may also want to re-evaluate your childcare situation.


Many things can cause anger in a four year old. This could be because they are upset about something that has happened in their life and they are unsure about how to go about this upset. Maybe someone has hurt the four year old. If he/she goes to playschool or somewhere like that maybe another child has said something hurtful to them or something like that.


This answer has three parts. Please read to the end, there is important information that might help someone dealing with a four year old's anger problem.

The first part to this answer is somewhat religious: SOME amount of anger is normal for any child. According to The Bible, we are all born with a sinful nature. After Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden, every child that was born after them were born with the innate ability to sin. That is why you do not have to teach a toddler how to lie to their parents. They already know how. You don't have to teach them how to be angry and throw a fit, they already know how. They know how to swing their fits at you in anger, how to throw things in anger. Even when you don't have a logical explanation as to how or where they learned it. It is in their heart. So for a four year old to have some amount of anger is normal. All four year olds will have some type of problem that a parent must address and teach their child to do what is right. (To learn more about sin and the remedy for it, go to the question: "Is god going to let you in haven?")

Here is the second part to this answer: There are times when a child's level of anger exceeds the norm. If that is the case, then there must be a cause. It usually does not stem from something that only happened once or twice (like another playmate at daycare stole a favorite toy, etc.) but from something that happened over and over again, causing the anger to build up and become greater and more intense. It could be something as serious as being abused at home, or by a teacher at school. It could be neglect by parents, or a constant bullying at school. It could even be a frustration that results from a disability like dyslexia or poor eyesight.

The third part to this answer is the remedy: If you know a four year old that has an extreme anger problem, it is most important that you pay close attention to him/her to try and determine what might be the cause. You can do so by asking yourself some questions: "What makes this child get angry the most? What is this child's home life like? What about school - does this child have an unusual dislike or reluctance to go to school?" Start asking those questions and do your own "research". If you still can't figure it out, I would suggest that you get some professional help with the child. A four year old is at a very tender age, and what happens during this time could affect him for the rest of his life if it is a problem that needs to be taken care of.

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