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you probably have a urinary tract infection (UTI)

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Q: What can cause burining with urination if STD tests are negative?
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medications w/ certain hormones can cause false positives or negatives. and certain pregnancy tests are better than others. i recommend seeing a dr.

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If your stomach is growing and you have negative pregnancy tests, you need to see a physician. This could be a result of a benign mass (cyst), an infection, or any other number of things that could be harmful in the long run if ignored. You shouldn't feel movement in your abdomen early during the pregnancy.

Can someone tell me what can cause no periods and pregnancy signs but all of the tests are negative?

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Can a urinary tract infection cause a negative result?

If you are pregnant, the urinary tract infection should not have any bearing on the result of your test. The test looks for hCG in the urine, and this is present if you are pregnant regardless of any infection.

What are Electrolyte tests?

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no prednisone is a steriod that does not interfere with pregnancy tests.

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If you have done 6 pregnancy tests and they are negative is this conclusive?

Yes as they are negative you can conclude, the test is negative and nothing to worry.

You have been having pregnancy symptoms- but your PT tests are negative-Could you still be pregnant?

Yes it is called a positive negative and the tests are only 99.998 precent correct