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Q: What can cause fluid buildup in the forehead?
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Does Asthma cause fluid in the lungs?

It can cause a buildup of phlegm and mucus in the airways, but not in the lungs.

What would cause large fluid filled lumps to appear on forehead?

I think it's just a bruise

What causes fluid to collect around the brain after brain surgery?

The most common cause of fluid buildup after brain surgery is from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). This occurs when when there is a breakdown in the barrier that separates the brain and the paranasal sinuses.

Could a scalp sunburn cause forehead and eye swelling?

no YES...the sun can cause swelling in your forehead and eyes..Ive seen it many times.Theres not much you can do except to ice it and wait it out.Some people have a reaction to the sun even if they never have before..your body reacts with fluid build up.

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What causes water buildup in the lungs?

There are many diseases and conditions that can cause pulmonary edema or fluid/water buildup in the lungs. Starting with infectious diseases, any bacteria or virus that results in fulminant pneumonia will likely cause fluid accumulation in the lungs. Acquired diseases such as cardiovascular disease often cause pulmonary edema through impaired blood return to the heart. Cancer can also cause pulmonary edema, both through inciting an inflammatory response as well as mechanically blocking adequate blood flow.

Diabetic Kidney Disease?

Diabetic kidney disease is common in diabetics. High blood sugar levels can cause damage to the kidneys which results in fluid and waste buildup in the body.

What is dropsy in fish?

In a fish, dropsy is fluid buildup. This fluid retention can be a symptom of a serious problem, such as a type of infection.

Shunts are devices used to?

To relieve pressure in the brain caused by fluid buildup.

Will carbon buildup keep a motor from firing?

Carbon buildup can keep a motor from firing and cause an engine to stall.

What is the cause of insufficient kidney function?

Sometimes the cause is as simple as plaque buildup.

Will swelling to forehead cause a black eye?

Not sure, but (as I hold ice to my forehead) I'll let you know!