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Bumps on the tongue can be caused by eating too much sweets or too much acid foods. Trauma to the tongue such as rough brushing is another cause. A third cause is a fungal infection.

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What food can make you have bumps on the side of your tongue?

Foods that you are allergic to can cause bumps to appear on your tongue.

Can tomatoes cause white painful bumps on your tongue?


Can orange juice cause tongue bumps?

Orange juice can indeed cause tongue bumps. The juice is full of ascorbic acid and can react negatively with saliva in the mouth.

What could be the cause of the red bumps on the back of your tongue and throat Both your tongue and throat are sore?

Deficiency of the vitamins the tongue sore is the cause to tongue sore.

Bumps on tongue with string attached?

There a number of things that can cause bumps on the tongue with string attached. In most cases, this will be as a result of eating acidic or too much sugary foods.

Will cough drops irritate your tongue and cause red raised bumps?

well not red bumps but will turn yoru tounge white and cause raised white bumps and make yoru tounge extremly sensitive

Will taking Adderall cause bumps on the tongue?

Some people have experienced painful bumps on their tongues after taking Adderall, but it is not a common side effect. If you take Adderall, or are going to be in the future, I would recommend taking it as prescribed by your doctor and seeing how it works for you. If you do happen to get tongue sores, then you're probably better off asking your doctor for an alternative medication. Adderall causing bumps on the tongue is a rare occurence, but it has happened.

What would cause painful bumps on your tongue?

My bumps under my tongue are painful when I rub my tongue over them. They are very small. I was told once that they are related to the fact that I have fibroids on my uterus. How that can be? I do not know.i get this too!! i have no idea what it is. my mother had uterine cancer as well. that's kinda iffy.

What does food allergen cause?

It can cause an allergic reaction, depending on the food and the allergy you have. That might include itching, swelling of the tongue, difficulty breathing, you might break out in bumps and lumps, or in severe cases, die.

What causes the bumps on tongue after sickness?

The bumps on the tongue that appear after sickness are called transient lingual papillitis. They can be caused by various factors, including viral or bacterial infections, high stress levels, hormonal changes, or certain foods or medications. These bumps usually go away on their own within a few days to a couple of weeks, and treatment is generally not necessary unless they cause discomfort.

What does small red itchy bumps on the back of your tongue mean?

It can be different reasons you can eat something hot they will burn your tounge and cause a small dumb to appear, or you accidentally bit your tounge

What can cause bumps where your urine comes out?

Infections like warts and herpes can cause bumps where the urine comes out (that is, around the urethral opening).