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My bumps under my tongue are painful when I rub my tongue over them. They are very small. I was told once that they are related to the fact that I have fibroids on my uterus. How that can be? I do not know.

  • i get this too!! i have no idea what it is. my mother had uterine cancer as well. that's kinda iffy.
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Things that are too sour or salty spicy or sweet. A loose tastebud will be quite painful until it falls out.

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Q: What would cause painful bumps on your tongue?
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AnswerIt is just an infected taste bud. I would suggest the best thing to do is to not mess with it. I've heard of people trying to bite them off with their teeth, but i am not sure how that goes. Don't eat many salty foods, it does not help. I get them every once in a while. Its nothing to worry about. It will heal.

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