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you could possibly get liver cancer or skin cancer

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Q: What can go wrong if fat cells arent working?
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What happen if the fat cells aren't working?

you get fat

How to do a cartwheel if your a little fat?

the same way if you arent fat the same way if you arent fat the same way if you arent fat

What could go wrong if your fat cells aren't working?

nouthingI disagree, though I'll leave it there regardless. If fat cells aren't working - well, a couple mightn't be an issue, but if a lot of them aren't working then, well, where does the fat go, huh? I'm not sure precisely what would happen, but it would probably be along the lines of either the remaining fat cells overloading (basically), extra waste being removed, or possibly the body slowing down the metabolism so that the fat cells aren'toverloaded. Like I said, I'm not certain.

What happens if your FAT CELLS stop working?

your fat shrinks so much you eventually die

How does the bodie respond to diabetes?

well in diabetes type 1 the cells arent getting the glucose they need from food, so the cells start using fat cells to feed themselves, producing ketones an causing DKA

What stores fat called blubber?

There are cells in the body called adipose cells.basically these are fat cells.we are born with a set amount.due to genetics and hormones we gain fat in each cell but some more than we age fat is stored in different places due to hormones.we can diet and exercise to lose fat in stored cells but you cant choose whereand you dont lose the cells themselves.eating animal fats and excess carbohydrates will make you gain fat,especially if you are sedentary.liposuction actually removes some adipose cells.if you arent careful though the remaining cells in the area "fdone" can still store fat.

Why are muscle cells smaller than fat cells?

Muscles cells are smaller than fat cells because they are more dense. These cells are more condensed than fat cells.

Do fat cells have Vacuole?

yes fat cells have vacuole

Yellow bone marrow has a large percentage of what?

fat cells that create red blood cells

Where are fat cells in your body?

Fat cells are located just under the skin. Fat cells store unused food. When your body is not getting enough nutrients, your body takes them from the fat cells.

How can you quickly convert fat cells into muscle cells?

Unfortunately, there is no way to convert fat cells into muscle cells. You need to decrease the size of fat cells and to increase the size (and perhaps quantity) of muscle cells.

What is the difference between fat cells and muscular cells?

muscles cells help in movement,fat cells store energy