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Q: What can go wrong with your pharynx?
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Where does food go after pharynx?

To the gal bladder

The respiratory system consists of pharynx and what else?

it consists of the pharynx, the epiglottis, the trachea, the bronchi, the alveoli, and the lungs themselves.

What part is the upper part of the respiratory system?


Does cnidaria have a pharynx?

I don't think they do...I could be wrong but I think all mollusks have a foot, visceral mass, and a mantle.

What structure carries both food and air?

The pharynx is the back of the throat (divided loosely into nasopharynx and oropharynx) which allows food to enter the oesophagus and air to enter the thrachea.

What do you use to suck in air and pass down into the bronchi?

The Pharynx. You've got the pharynx that runs from your nose down towards to the esophagus. Somewhere towards the end of the pharynx is the larynx, aka the windpipe. This is where the air enters to go into your lungs and the bronchi, it is also where the vocal chords are contained. There is a small covering to prevent food from going down your larynx however it is no always preventable, like when people say 'it went down the wrong pipe'. This pressure difference, and the forcing movement of the lungs creates the actual intake of air into the mouth/nose, through the pharynx, larynx, and into the bronchi.

What is the common passageway for both respiration and digestion?

the throat. pharynx.

What are lymph nodes in the wall of the pharynx?

The very few lymph nodes in the pharynx are called retropharyngeal lymph nodes. The usually go away in early childhood.

What are the differences in the frogs pharynx and the humans pharynx?

A frogs pharynx is twice the size of a humans

What parts of the respiratory system and digestive system overlap?


What organ is a common passage for both the digestive and respiratory systems?

A thin epithelium and a large blood supply. This is related to the fact that the job of both is to move materials into the blood.

What is the purposes of the pharynx?

The pharynx is the scientific term for the throat. The pharynx is a passageway from the mouth and nose to the esophagus and larynx.