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Q: What can happen if the lysosomes contents are released into the cytoplasm what is example?
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Give three example of organelle?

For a animal cell: nucleus, the ribosomes, Golgi body, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, nuclear membrane, vacuoles, cytoplasm, cell membrane, chromosomes. For a plant cell: nucleus, vacuoles, nuclear membrane, cell wall, cell membrane, chloroplast, chromosome, Endoplasmic Reticulum, chloryphyll, cytoplasm, mitochondria, ribsomes.

Are the cells of bacteria much simpler than cells of plants and animals?

Yes, because they do not contain any membrane-bound organelles, like the nucleus or lysosomes, for example. All they have is cytoplasm, genetic material, ribosomes, a cell membrane and a cell wall.

What is an example of cytoplasm in real life?

Cytpolasm is an example of cytoplasm in real life: it does exist.

What are inside the cytoplasm and does the work of the cell?

Inside the cytoplasm are things called organelles. They each have their own job, just like each organ in a human body has its own job. For example, Mitochondria give the cell the energy it needs to function properly. There are also Lysosomes, Ribosomes, Endoplasmic Reticulum, the Vacuole (not an organelle), the Nucleus (not an organelle), Chromosomes, and Golgi Bodies.

What is lysosones?

A lysosomes are any kind of chemical example 4 . in the vacuoles

What is an example of a cytoplasm inside a cell?

Cytoplasm is a slime like substance, most common analogy- jello :)

An example of nucleic acid?

In cytoplasm of a bacteria cell

What is a sentence with the word cytoplasm?

Example sentence - The teacher instructed us to look up the word cytoplasm and learn the definition.

Where are lysosomes found in a plant cell?

== == It varies from cell to cell. For example, if a cell is specifically made for fighting diseases and controlling bacteria in the body, then it would contain more lysosomes to help rid the body of bacteria.

Special vescicles containing enzymes?

Lysosomes would be an example. It's full of digestive enzymes.

How do you use cytoplasm in a sentence?

Example sentences using the word cytoplasm:All cells contain cytoplasm surrounded by a plasma membrane.This graph could be used to estimate the concentration of cytoplasm in the cells.Each cell has a central control, the nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm.

What are some non-examples of organelle?

The CYTOPLASM is a Non-example of an organelle,