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Forcing a puppy's eyes open will, at best, result in an eye infection, but more likely result in permanent blindness, so do not ever force their eyes open! They are born with their eyes shut for a reason, and they open when they do for a reason. 'Mother Nature' knows better than you when the puppy's eyes are ready to open, so leave them alone.

A newborn puppy's eyes should open after about 10 - 14 days, so if they aren't open by then, you need to contact your vet, because this could be a sign of serious illness or eye problems. But only your vet can determine this, and only your vet can safely open their eyes if necessary.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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Lvl 4
βˆ™ 5mo ago

The curiosity of puppyhood is a magical phase, filled with wobbly steps, floppy ears, and, of course, those soulful eyes that seem to hold the universe within. But what happens if curiosity gets the better of us, and we find ourselves tempted to gently peek into the world behind those adorably closed lids? Let's delve into the delicate matter of forcing a puppy's eyes open and the potential consequences.

Understanding the Puppy Peepers: A Precious Process πŸΆπŸ‘€

1. Naturally Closed

Puppies are born with closed eyes, part of a natural developmental process. Their eyes typically open between 10 to 14 days of age, allowing them to gradually adjust to the visual wonders around them.

2. Sensory Sensitivity

Puppy eyes are incredibly delicate during the early days. Forcing them open prematurely can disrupt the natural development of their ocular structures and hinder the gradual strengthening of their vision.

Consequences of Coaxing: Why Force Can Be a Foe 🚫

1. Potential Physical Harm

The tissues and structures supporting a puppy's eyes are tender during the first few weeks. Attempting to force their eyes open can lead to physical harm, such as damage to the delicate cornea or surrounding tissues.

2. Vision Development Disruption

Opening a puppy's eyes prematurely may interfere with the natural process of visual development. This can impact their ability to focus, track movement, and perceive depth – crucial skills for a growing pup.

The Gentle Approach: Letting Nature Take its Course 🌿🐾

1. Patience is a Virtue

Resisting the temptation to force a puppy's eyes open is an act of patience and respect for their natural development. Trust the process and allow their eyes to open on their own time.

2. Observation, Not Interference

Instead of forcing their eyes open, observe your puppy from a respectful distance. This allows you to witness the enchanting moment when they decide to unveil their eyes, creating a bond built on trust.

Nurturing Puppies with Knowledge and Care! πŸŒŸπŸ•

In the enchanting world of puppyhood, every step, every bark, and yes, every blink is a precious milestone. For more insights into the delicate care of our canine companions, join the vibrant community at IamActiveDog on Quora. Share your experiences, seek advice, and celebrate the wonder of raising a happy, healthy pup.

Remember, the journey of discovery is as much about the puppy's growth as it is about our understanding and patience. Let those puppy eyes unfold naturally, and may your days be filled with boundless joy and furry adventures! πŸ‘€πŸΎ

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βˆ™ 6mo ago

That is not a good idea. please don't do that as their eyes need to develop

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βˆ™ 9y ago

The will be permanently blind and that is sooo cruel and animal abuse. Dont do it

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Q: What can happen if you force a puppies eyes open?
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puppies will open their eyes from 10 to 18 days. this depends alot on the breed and the pups themselves.if they have not opened there eyes consult you vet,but whatever you do DON'T force their eyes pen

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Puppies might get sore eyes because they have an eye infection. There may also be something in their eye from birth.

Do puppies open their eyes together?

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Puppies eyes open between 14 and 21 days after birth.

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because he is orphaned, his mom would have been cleaning his face daily and stimulating the eyes to start to open. Orphaned puppies can open up as late as four weeks due to mom not being there and the human foster mom not wiping his face daily. Sometimes breed has a lot to do with this as well, some breeds eyes and ears open sooner than later, and vise-versa with others. :-NEKAI yahoo answers.

When can puppies open their eyes?

about two weeks from birth

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All puppies eyes have a clear film on them when they first open...don't be alarmed, it should go away in a couple days!

Can you open a newborn puppies eyes?

No you can not,they will open on their own in 10 to 12 days.

How long before newborn puppies open their eyes and get active?

I have seen puppies at two days old with open eyes however average time is 7 days it so.