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im so excited someone asked!

by putting aside eggshells, apple sking, orange peels, etc

and mixing it with leaves can create a nutritional fertelizer type

soil booster. mix it with your soil in a garden and your plants will look way healthier and bigger, maybe, than store bought chemical fertelizers. try it, good luck!

oh......and you'll need a large barrel with a lid to store it, and roll the barrell on its side around every few days to shake it up. for more info, wikipedia or Google might have some tips

Soil nutritional content can also be improved by tilling the previous year's crop residue into the soil. If the previous year's crop was successful, there is a large portion of the nutrition still left in the residue. Any deficiencies can be made up over time with the application of whatever fertilizing material the farmer desires.

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Q: What can help impove soil nutritional content?
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The nutritional content of the soil can be improved by?

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Biochar is a variety of charcoal which is used as a nutritional supplement for soil.

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The water content of soil is expressed as a percentage, i.e. the percentage of the soil that is water. To calculate, weigh the mass of a sample of soil. Let this be W. Then dry the soil in an oven (be careful not to burn it) and weigh the dry soil. Let this be D. The soil moisture content, M = W-D/W x 100.

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