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Recycling wood/paper/cardboard reduces the demand for fresh-cut timber. Consequently, fewer trees have to be cut down and more forests can remain intact, providing habitat for plants and animals, a heat and carbon sink, and a portion of the oxygen we breathe. Rainforests and recycling are not necessarily directly related, unless the wood in question came from a rainforest-type tree. Recycling will not help save the rainforest unless it involves recycling products that originally came from the rainforest.

The main reasons that rainforests are being cut down are cattle ranching and timber harvesting.

Rather than recycling to save the rainforest, one should not buy products that cause rainforest deforestation.

Recycling, however, does reduce the amount of waste in landfills and reduces the need to mine for new materials.

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Q: What can recycling wood do for the environment?
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