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Q: What can remove co2 from plants?
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What form of carbon do plants remove from the environment?

Plants remove Carbon Dioxide from the environment.

How do manufacturers reduce co2 emissions?

Power plants can purchase scrubbers to remove some CO2.

How does carbon remove from the carbon cycle?

Only by photosynthesis. Plants remove the Co2 for photosynthesis.

What is the best way to get rid of co2?

Plants. Plants will take the co2 away,but only store it, so when it dies the co2 comes back. you will need to remove the carbon from the co2 and then the co2 without the c2, it wil turn into o2 which is oxegen

How do you increase amount of carbon dioxide in greenhouse?

Simplest would be to remove any plants from the greenhouse, then spend some time in there yourself. Plants remove CO2 from the air, while your breathing would introduce CO2 into the air. If you are dead set on keeping your plants in the greenhouse (weird, I know), then most things that burn or decompose will add some form of CO2 to the air. Out of curiousity; why would you want higher levels of CO2?

Does plants release co2?

No. Plants emit their own CO2 through respiration.

What would happen to plants if there was no CO2?

if theres no co2 all the plants will die because they need CO2 (and sunlight) to do photosynthesis

Can humans destroy carbon dioxide?

No. It's possible to remove it from the atmosphere chemically, we can add more plants and plants convert co2 and release oxygen this is the only way we can convert co2 there is no way we can destroy it . also ocean absorb co2 to large extent but we are producing too much of it . plants are safest way and most easily can be bring to practice.

What plants let out greenhouse gases?

All plants expire CO2. They also rot and produce CO2.

What would be the expected effect on plants if the atmospheric co2 concentration was doubled?

Since C4 plants need for CO2 is more than C3 plants, doubling the concentration of CO2 will have more positive effect on C4 plants. If CO2 is a limiting factor for photosynthesis, both C3 & C4 plants will have positive effect.

What is bad about CO2?

co2 is not bad at all because that is what plants live off of. and without co2 and plants could not live and provide oxygen for the animal kingdom

Do plants absorb oxygen along with CO2?

Well,plants do absorb oxygen along with CO2,but only a little.We take in oxygen with CO2,but only a little.