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The sun burn gases and is static, where as the moon and the other planets move and are not sources of light.

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Q: What can the sun do that the moon and other planets cant?
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You mean the sun,well you cant go to the sun because its made out of a gas called hydrogen.And the sun is not solid like the other planets.

Why you can see other planets and the moon?

You can see the other planets and the moon (at night), because like the Earth, they all reflect light from the Sun.

Are the sun and moon planets?

No. The sun is a star. The moon is a moon.

Is the moon or sun a star or planets?

The Moon is a natural satellite and the Sun is a star. The Moon is not a star. Neither the Moon nor the Sun are planets.

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Earth, the Moon, the Sun, other planets.

Where does the light come from when you see the moon and other planets?

we get the light from the sun

How is Uranus the same or different to other planets?

it has a sun a moon it is sideways

Why do the earth moon and all the other planets revolve around the sun?

It's because the sun has a gravity force and pills the other planets towards itself

What are the other planets that shine for the same reasons as the moon?

SUN A DOY for light

Do the sun have a moon?

Yes the sun does have moons, and we are on one of them now. A moon is just an object orbiting another and so since we and the other planets are orbiting the sun we are the sun's moons.

How many planets is the moon from the sun?

The moon orbits the Earth. Venus and Mercury are the planets that are closer to the Sun than the Earth is.