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* in my answer if someone is making fun of your accent you will have to ignore the person becausewhen you ignore , the person is going to forget about it

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Q: What can you do if someone is teasing you about how you talk?
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Can you get suspended from school for teasing someone?

Teasing for you can mean harassment and bullying to someone else. And yes, in serious cases you can get suspended. yes you can!

Why does teasing a girl a big sign he likes you?

because it shows that he wants to talk to you some he dose it by teasing. there are 2 types of teasing the playful teasing and the rude mean teasing. if he's doing the ride teasing....he dosent like you and is probley annoyed by you. but if he dose playful teasing he probley likes you alot.

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Teasing someone viciously.

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you can't force someone to be with you. but you can attempt to do so by teasing him in different ways like "sexy" talk, showing a little clevage & so on.

How can verbal bullying happen?

if someone is teasing you that is verbal bullying

Is teasing the same as taking the mick?

teasing is like if you harass someone playfully and/or maliciously. taking the mick is when you like mock something like eg: if someone says something and someone else starts laughing horribly about it.

If a guy says your going out with someone when your not is he teasing you?

no he is trying to get a peice of your pie! :)

How do you handle when someone teases you?

i always ignore the teasing and mind my work.

How can a kid get girls to like him?

lol. talk to them in a teasing way- but don't go too far.

How do you know who love you?

By the way someone looks at you, if someone is always staring or talking to your friends about you or teasing you that is when you know.

Does someone like you if he keeps teasing you?

if its just small things then most likely

How do you stand up for yourself when your friends keep teasing you about absolutely everything?

You can tell them to stop or say no. But in the first place you should find friends who like you for who you are... not who they want you to be. :D you should talk to an adult and get someone to stop them!