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White bumps??? If your refering to the normal texture of your tongue ,there is nada you can do . If you have bumps towards the very back that is from post nasal drip during the night . take a decongestant before bed other than that you should go see a doctor because bumps are not from my 7 years looking in peoples mouths at work is not normal.

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Q: What can you do on your own to clear up white bumps on your tongue?
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What causes the bumps on tongue after sickness?

The bumps on the tongue that appear after sickness are called transient lingual papillitis. They can be caused by various factors, including viral or bacterial infections, high stress levels, hormonal changes, or certain foods or medications. These bumps usually go away on their own within a few days to a couple of weeks, and treatment is generally not necessary unless they cause discomfort.

What causes white bumps underneath and on the side of the tongue?

The tongue has lots of small spots on it for taste and sensation. They are not usually very noticeable. If spots are an unusual color, cause irritation, or other symptoms accompany them, they can be the sign of a health problem.

What are tiny bumps on your face that don't pop and are not red or white and is there anything you can do to fix them?

Nothing.They will go away in there own time.I have them too and you just have to weight them out/

Is Gene Simmons tongue really a cow tongue that has been sewn to his own tongue?

No, but that's a wonderful idea.

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A woodpeckers tongue is 2/3 the length of its own body.

Where you can find speed bumps?

any where u can even make your own

Is it possible for a human to swallow their own tongue?

No, a human cannot swallow their tongue. It is physically impossible.

Why should a person do schooling in his or her own mother tongue?

when a person learn some thing it is associated with clear understanding which is only possible in his or her own mother tongue because the lesson will be readily understood and interpreted . the man or the child in school is used to understand things in his mother tongue, so he will feel relatively ease to give same meaning to the words associated to them.Otherwise he will just memorize the lesson instead of learning.mother tongue will enhance the process of learning and interpreting,the knowledge he learns will become the part of his conduct.

What is a white pimple in the middle on the side of your tongue mean?

A pimple on your tongue doesn't necessarily MEAN anything in particular; you can get a pimple anywhere, including your face, tongue, lips, etc. Let the pimple heal on its own, do not pop it as bacteria can infect it and yiu can develp acne all over your tongue. A pimple on your tongue COULD mean that a certain food caused it, or you may have had a mild allergic reaction.

What is the purpose of tongue twisters?

The purpose of a tongue-twister is to simply have fun by making your own with your friends, but there may be some tongue-twisters with factual information in it.

How long does your tongue have to be to get it pierced?

There is no length requirement for getting your tongue pierced. Anyone can get their tongue pierced with the exception of people that have their own personal and/or medical reasons.

What mammal can clean its ears with its own tongue?

A Giraffe!