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Q: What can you do to get over a long term relationship with your boyfriend?
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You cant get over your ex boyfriend?

You need to tell yourself that you can. It will be hard and it even harder if this was a long term relationship but the more you tell yourself that your over him the more luck your have. Good luck, Keep strong :-).

How can you get over a long term relationship?

find a new one

Was in a long term relationship with your boyfriend and then started to fall in love with someone else and broke up with boyfriend But cant get over your boyfriend and neither can leave this guy?

try to focus of the new guy and try to for get about the old guy if you can't then go back to the old guy

What to do when you were good friends with your boyfriend but now its weird?

Maybe the puppy love us gone and if you two are compatible you may have a long term relationship ahead if not than maybe it's over

Does your boyfriend want a long-term commitment when he asks you to move in with him?

It could, or it could mean he wants a relationship of convenience. It sounds like a good time to sit down with your boyfriend and talk about goals, long-term desires and what each of you wants in the relationship. Second-guessing almost always leads to trouble; be open and honest and ask your boyfriend to be the same. What a question??????????????? Ask him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You were in a long term relationship with your boyfriend for over 6 years and then you came across someone who you started falling in love with you finally broke up with your boyfriend to be with this?

i would strongly suggect you to think about your motives. why were you with your long term boyfriend for so long? was it because you desperately wanted a boyfriend and he was the only one you could find? did you really "fall in love" with him? would you want to get married to him? what about the other guy? is it just infatuation? remember, love is blind, so you should get a second opinion on this.

What is the relationship between short term and long term interest rate?

A short term interest rate occurs over a short period of time. A long term interest rate occurs over a long period of time.

Your boyfriend and you are from two different countries How can a long-term relationship work if you both want to live in your respective country?

Simple, it can't.

What are some arguments to discuss with your boyfriend?

Some of the arguments to discuss with your boyfriend includes: 1.His feelings towards you. 2.What he thinks about you. 3.His short term goals. short term goals. 5.His long term goals. 6.His relationship with his parents.