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There are 3 core ways of stopping oil spills:

  1. Reduce the danger of current oil drilling/transportation.
  2. Reduce the amount of current oil drilling/transportation.
  3. Change the type of oil drilling/transportation to less risky methods.

All of the following answers fall under one or several of these categories:

Make an example of companies/countriesShow outrage at companies who do dangerous things to save money so that when accidents happen, they will be forced to reassess their policies for financial and business reasons. Such ways of showing outrage could include:
  • Publicly protesting.
  • Boycotting companies and encouraging others to boycott the offending companies
  • Spreading knowledge of disasters caused.
  • Specifically, speaking to your government representatives.
Report Safety Violations:If you notice any safety violations that occur when people are drilling/transporting oil, report it to your supervisors and authorities if need be. Make your concerns heard. Specific Corporate Implementation Answers:The hull of an oil tanker can be double lined.

Use of 'smart pig' technologies to determine if there are leaks in oil pipelines.

Improve existing safety standards in oil companies.

Encourage safety over profit from the top-down in the company.

National Answer:Encourage drilling by nations which have good safety records and many safety standards. The safety standards in many developing or third-world countries are often trumped by the desire for quick profits. If a nation has an oil accident, try to make an example of that country by punishing them economically, eg. don't buy goods from them until they clean up their safety standards. This will encourage these nations to force safety standards upon the corporations willing to drill. Legislative Answer:Push for elimination of oil drilling in deep water.

Some suggest that allowing shallow-water drilling is the answer.

Reduction of Oil Demand:If oil demand is reduced, prices for oil will go down. This makes it less profitable for new oil wells to be drilled, so there will be less drilling, less spilling. There are many ways to reduce oil demand; see related questions for more answers.
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12y ago
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13y ago

The Spill onto the Washington Mall rally grew out of the collective action taken against BP as a result of the explosion. First, we started boycott pages on Facebook. Then we took to the streets, gas stations, and beaches. After many of the boycott managers got to know each other, we thought that more needed to be done. The rally grew out of those conversations.

We never ask who anyone votes for or what party anyone usually backs. We realize it's time for us to stop seeing each as enemies enemies, and that partisanism is a strategy to keep us divided. All are welcome no matter the background, skin color, age, religion, sexual orientation, family status, disability, gender, or species. Bring your children, signs without sticks, tents, food, and voices.

We will meet on the Ellipse, in Washington D.C., next to the White House, from the morning of September 3rd until the morning of the 5th keeping the president's kids up, sorry girls, with speakers, bands, workshops, the Wall of Shame Gallery of bp posters, kids' tents, tabling and more.

We will no longer take a Washington that is so infiltrated by corporate control that we no longer know exactly who runs this country. We will tell them how to vote on bills, and expect strong legislation that suits the will of the people not wealthy campaign contributors and law makers with conflicts of interests between their money sources and the people. BP, you've become the poster child of corporate waste, abuse, incompetence, greed, and class divide.

Gulf residents have begun evacuating of their own accord due to the health effects of toxic air. Let's go for them, the animals, and the planet.

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15y ago

There are several steps:

  • Find the point where the oil reaches the water and boom off the river to contain the lost oii. This may require booms downstream to "herd" the oil into recovery areas
  • Find the source and stop it.
  • Collect oil from the sewers or ditches leading from the source to the river
  • Pump up the oil contained in the booms
  • Rescues or euthanize oil contaminated wildlife
  • Remove contaminated soils and vegetation
  • Dispose of contaminated materials in an approved manner
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Q: What can you do to stop oil spills?
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What can you do at home to stop oil spills?

I may ave a solution for it and still save most of the oil

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It can definitely contribute to oil spills.

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the government can stop overfishing and also reduce oil or chemical spills

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By seeing a lot of oil spills

Does caboolture river have oil spills often?

yes caboolture river has oil spills all the time it is very common for its oil spills

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this stinks! stop asking me questions!

How many oil spills have there been in the world?

About 125 known major oil spills.

What is the disadvantage about oil?

oil spills

What ls being done to stop oil spills?

Tankers are being made stronger and sailors are being more careful and not going out with oil in storm.