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Ours liked carrots, cereal (mainly rice chex), apples. You can give them scrambled eggs also.

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Q: What can you give a hamster as a snack?
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Do you keep skin on cucumber to a hamster?

i wouldnt give cucumber to a hamster as its very watery and can give your hamster dihareaa

Can you give a hamster lettuce?

no you can not never give a hamster greens if you do it will make him or her very sick

What can you give your pet rat to snack on?

You can give it a piece of cheese to snack on. Honestly I don't think cheese is the best snack for a rat. I'd rather give it yogurt or sunflower seeds. That is what I always give my rat to snack on. So i guess you can try all three yogurt , cheese , and sunflower seeds and see what it likes.

Can a hamster give you cancer?

You can't catch cancer off your hamster.

What kind of fruit should you not give to a hamster?

You should never give your hamster banana because it is a wet fruit

What happens if you give your hamster soda?

Why in the world would you give your hamster soda?!

Can you feed your hamster tropical trail mix?

yes your hamster can eat that . her favorite snack out of the whole thing are the seeds and the peanuts, they tend to leave the small things behind but they eat everything else

Does alcohol kill or hurt a hamster?

It may kill your hamster. Please do not give your hamster any alchohol at all.

Can you give your hamster ledest?

Yes, you can feed your hamster lettuse it won't hurt them.

What do you do if you over feed a hamster?

if you over feed a hamster give him lots of excise

Can you give straw to a hamster?

No you can't feed straw to a hamster or else it will get sick!

Can you give a hamster a bath if it is stinky?

no. My friend's cousin tried it and their hamster died.