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Coconut oil

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Q: What can you substitute Flax with when baking muffins?
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What can substitute for baking soda while baking muffins?

Baking powder and salt.

What is Psyllium husk substitute?

Flax seeds

Can you substitute white all purpose flour for white whole wheat flour in baking muffins?

Certainly, white all purpose flour will work in muffins. Although they might turn out to be cupcakes, rather than muffins.

What dose baking soda do to muffins?

Baking soda helps muffins rise by reacting with acid in the batter to create carbon dioxide gas, which expands and makes the muffins light and fluffy. It also helps with browning and contributes to the overall texture of the muffins.

What can you substitute if you are missing one egg in a muffin recipe?

Muffins are fairly forgiving, if I was doing it, 1 teaspoon of oil, 2 tablespoons of water or milk and 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda or baking powder, whichever the recipe calls for.

Is baking muffins physical or chemical change?

Baking is a chemical process.

What is a replacement for wheat germ?

I have successfully substituted ground flax meal for wheat germ in some baking recipes with great success. I thought the flavour and texture was much better.

Will baking ruin the omega fatty acids in flax seed?

Yes. Elevated temperatures are harmfull for flax oils. That is also why flax is cold pressed.

Do you have to put baking powder in muffins?

You do if you want them to rise properly.

What can you substitute for bicarbonate soda?

You can substitute baking powder for baking soda, but keep in mind that baking powder is not as strong as baking soda so you may need to use more. Additionally, you can try a mixture of cream of tartar and baking soda as a substitute.

Is aspartame sugar substitute for baking?

It could be used depending on what you are baking. A better substitute would be Stevia.

Can you substitute applesauce for oil in muffins?

Some of the oil can be replaced by applesauce, but not all of it.