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When my grand daughter got bitten really bad, i was told to bath her in baking soda, and then give her dimetap, and the next day all the redness was gone, so maybe that would help.

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Q: What can you use to stop the itch of a rash all over the body?
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Can fleas give you a rash?

not necessarily a rash but if you are allergic to the bites they can bite you and cause hives....the hives are red and can appear in clusters. they itch very bad - benedryl otc will help stop the itch

How do you stop the ich?

itch cream

Can you use rubbing alcohol to clear up a rash?

I have a heat rash and I have been rubbing it on there 3 times daily. It seems to stop the itch! I dont know if it is good, but it seems to be working.

How do you stop the itch after cutting back pampas grass?

Scratch the area affected by the itch.

I have to use cloth tape on your butt to hold my bandages on from surgery but Im getting a rash on your buttcheeks because of it when can you use to stop the itch and make it go away?

Well, you could go see a doctor. Otherwise, the answer is two.

How do you stop a nostrils itch?

Trim your nose hairs and put some itch cream up there!

How do you stop the ich ing?

itch cream

What can make your skin stop burn and itch?

you could run medium cold water over it. and stop thinking about it, it's just gonna get worse. Focus on something else.

How do you stop your inner ear from itching?

Don't itch. And clear your sinuses. That is what makes it itch. Trust me, I am a doctor.

How do you get out of skin itch due to yam?

take a quick cold shower or application of red palm oil to the affected part of the body will stop the itching

Does bio oil cause rash?

I bought a bottle of Bio-oil recentlyafter wanting to try it for years,and although I can use it on my face,it causes an intensely itchy rash on my neck,which the doctor has identified as eczema!I have never suffered from this in my life before,so have to assume it is the oil,as when I stop using it on my neck,the rash disappears,so it leaves no doubt in my mind it is the Bio oil,which is a shame,as I love it,the scent,and the feel of it on my skin,but it actually makes my whole body itch,although the rash only appears on my neck,so I wont be buying any more,and will stick to grapeseed oil,or sweet almond oil in future.

Discoloured red itchy skin?

I come up with bumps that itch, if i scratch them they stop itching. They are over my back, & appaer on my legs at times. It is leaving scars. I have used soov powder & pinersol, it does ease the itch but deosn'e stop it all together.