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No, tumors are overgrowth of tissue caused by a few different conditions, but none are infectious.

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Q: What cancers are contagious?
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Is stage 4 liver cancer contagious?

no cancers are not contagious at an stage.

Can you get lung cancer if one of your relatives has had it?

Yes, but not because they have it, it is not contagious. There may be genetic factors involved in some cancers, but environmental factors appear to be the biggest determiners.

Is leukemia contagious or hereidity?

I know that cancers aren't contagious and what not, but I've recently read up on things that (can??? can it or does it?) cause leukemia. For example, the human t cell leukemia virus. It says that can associate with leukemia, and that virus can be spread through sexual contact. So if that's the cause of it, then wouldn't that imply that I, if involved with that, could get that virus and potentially leukemia or forms of it? Or is there something im like misreading, or misunderstanding. It's all kind of confusing. So i mean, is there like a "natural" form of leukemia that's caused by unfortunate circumstances (like breast cancer) as well as leukemia that's derived from a virus which is "contagious" in the sense that it can be transmitted?

Has there been any record of contagious cancer in anything other than Tasmanian devils?

Yes. Apart from Tasmanian devils which are affected by the contagious cancer known as DFTD, or Devil Facial Tumour Disease, dogs and Syrian masters can also be affected by contagious cancers. CTVT, or Canine Transmissible Venereal Tumour is a venereal cancer in dogs which is spread during mating. Then there is the Contagious reticulum sarcoma cell cancer which is transmissible between Syrian hamsters by the bite of the Aedes Aegypti. This cancer was artificially created by scientists.

How many cancers are colon and rectal cancers?

Together, colon and rectal cancers account for 10% of cancers in men and 11% of cancers in women

Is oral cancer contagious?

No. Mouth cancer is often the result of a chronic habit/addiction, such as chewing tobacco or smoking a pipe (although some mouth cancers arise spontaneously). Cancers, however, are not communicable from person to person.

Which of the following contributes to the difficulty in establishing the etiology of cancer?

Viruses are difficult to observe, cancers do not seem to contagious, cancer may develop long after the infection, and most viral particles can infect cells without inducing cancer.

What is a sentence for the word contagious?

This is not a contagious disease.The virus is contagious.

Can kids get Marek's Disease from chickens?

No. Mareks Disease is a highly contagious viral disease that produces cancers i chickens. Lim paralysis is the most obvious sign/symptom of Marek's. It is NOT a virus that will infect humans. It is limited to the poultry industry.

If you snog someone with cancer will you get cancer too?

No, cancer is not contagious. It cannot be caught, and is not an infectious disease. Cancers develop within a particular person when their cell cycle is not controlled properly, or they have been exposed to carcinogens (cancer-causing substances).

Is Stroke contagious?

No, it is not contagious.

What cancers can be prevented?

All cancers can be prevented!